How do I add a title page to the intro of my game?
I'm not sure if you mean in game or not but...
You could make a map of the title screen and just send the player there when they login.

Long explanation
Be sure to check what your world.view is, you need to find out the amount of pixels high/wide the map will be. I think its something like ((world.view * 2) + 1) * 32 = pixels.
Make up your title screen in a paint program, save it to png or bmp(I think bmp works out better, not sure).
Import the file into a dmi file(title.dmi).
Byond will automatically cut the image into pieces.
Make a new turf(call it title) then on your map(make a new z level if needed) place the title turfs onto the area the size of your title screen.
The next part is time consuming, edit each tile and change its icon_state(if you imported it they will be 0,0 then 0,1).
Then you just need to add some code to send them to it, something like...
usr.loc = locate()// put titles loc here(center it)
You'll have to figure the coding since I don't know how you want to move off the title screen(automatically or by clicking new/load etc)
In response to War
actually you dont have to import it to .dmi format. you can just make a turf without doing that.

icon = 'blah.png' //whatever.png or .bmp

then go into your map and find on the left hand side there is a list of atom types i believe. click on turf and then select title and place it however you like.