I was just wondering if anyone has thought of (or used) any interesting or useful admin commands other than the common boot, ban, and mute commands.
The only other types of command I've really tinkered with were basically keeping records of ips, boots, possible multi-key logins, number of logins, and those sorts of things.
Nov 6 2002, 2:09 pm
English wrote:
I was just wondering if anyone has thought of (or used) any interesting or useful admin commands other than the common boot, ban, and mute commands. I like Vaporize! RaeKwon |
In response to Lummox JR
That reminds me of an entire area I've overlooked. States of acceptance and testing that use filters such as key lists, ip lists, admin/GM/op acceptance, and hub related issues (such as world.topic).
I find myself remaking similar commands over and over again so I've finally decided to just make a more complete version once, and include that rather than remaking it for each project. |
In response to RaeKwon
I saw a list of such fun/cruel things to do to trouble makers but I can't recall where.
Lots of fun things like blinding, vaporizing, movement reversing, etc. :p |
Some of the things I had as Admin commands in the previous version of Dreamoor. Some of these will be specific to RPG-type games, but I tried to leave out the ones that couldn't be applied to anything else.
Admin Chat: Admins have a special channel that only they can talk/listen on. Reboot the world. Broadcast a message to all players. Info: Gives you the BYOND info of a player immediately. Kind of a neat tool I haven't seen used by many others. Info(K as text) set category = "Admin" usr << link("https://secure.dantom.com/ index.cgi?key=[K]&qd=peopleIndex") Have a webpage load in the browser of a player. A command to toggle whether the server was open to new logins or not. Force another player to change his/her name. Admin Notes: Admins have a text-file of notes that they can all write in. It's displayed to them upon login. Savefile editting. My tools are a lot of like Nadrew's new library. It's rather handy if you have little tweaks to make or if a player's savefile gets messed up. World log. All really important things (like proc errors and big admin actions, like banning) were logged. Admins could also insert their own comments into the log, and view it. No one could remove from it, however. There were also a bunch of tools for things like object creation, setting whether objects automatically saved, saving and loading the world, |
In response to English
I like the one that causes their input bar to be cleared every few seconds, randomly :o)
I also have a neat option in JungleMUD that causes client lag. |
In response to Foomer
Do tell. :P
In response to Foomer
Actuall lag or just apparent lag through random movement and command delays?
Either way, it sounds like one of the better annoyances to add in because it isn't completely obvious that your being "cursed" by an admin (whereas blindness would be :p). Another fun thing is just having a general variable editor so you can edit any of their variables easily ;) |
In response to English
It's only "pretend" lag, since all commands go through the parser, the parser just adds a delay before it checks the command. I can also freeze clients by now allowing them to input anything, which is nice.
I had to come up with something to replace the annoying input-bar deletion in normal BYOND games. Telnet MUDs don't support it. |
In response to AbyssDragon
Info: Gives you the BYOND info of a player immediately. Kind of a neat tool I haven't seen used by many others. That is a nice little trick, I'm not sure how much of the information would be useful but it's just a click to use so it could be worth adding in. ;) Admin Notes: Admins have a text-file of notes that they can all write in. It's displayed to them upon login. Those are two things that I have lacked (and overlooked) in the past that I really should impliment. Thanks for the ideas! |
In response to English
That is a nice little trick, I'm not sure how much of the information would be useful but it's just a click to use so it could be worth adding in. ;) Well, it makes it quick to look up email addresses (another admin tool that might be handy would be one to send emails to people.. I believe Dantom has a library for that sort of thing), and stuff like how long someone's been at BYOND. It can help determine if, for example, you're dealing with a key that was just created to cause trouble with, etc. -AbyssDragon |
In response to Foomer
Maybe have it randomly give them the "That is not a recognized command." type message whenever they input something ;)
In response to English
Heh. If you have the MUD set to echo user input back (I think some do that.. Telnet doesn't automatically do it itself), you could even have it mess with their command so it looks like they just made a typo they didn't recognize. That would really be evil.
-AbyssDragon |
In response to RaeKwon
I like Vaporize! I still dont understand a lot of coding, and ive only been a BYONder for about 2 weeks, but what you guys are talking about sounds like it would really help force a trouble maker to finally give up and laeave the game :) |
In response to War_master66
Hopefully ;)
It can be more effective than booting because they can just log back in and it can be more effective than banning because they can just switch keys (and in many cases get new IPs). If you take all the fun out of it for them, they will eventually stop or you will at least slow them down quite a bit. |
In response to English
Lexy had a some neat commands to allow GameStaff to view certain logs remotely. That way the staff doesn't beat on the players too much - they first check the admin log to see if anyone was warned or booted, and the reasons for the action.
A jail command with a timer is a good one, it stops people from being mean without Booting or banning them, and also make it so only you can hear a jailed person.
[edit] Ah ya a change gender command does wonders too ;) |
In response to Scoobert
I figured you guys would have laughed at the change gender one.
In response to Scoobert
Give us some credit, we're not ALL immature. :-)
Seriously though, it wasn't really all that amusing... (no offence intended) |
In my chat there's an IP-based waiting list; if you add an address (or partial address) to the list, anyone who tries to log in has to be cleared by an op first. If no op is present, they're logged in by default.
This was my way of dealing with situations where a troublesome AOL user would keep changing addresses, without having to ban all of AOL.
Lummox JR