i need the command for if your by a NPC named Locke that a verb "Talk" will appear and an alert will pop-up with him talking. I also need to know how to make an NPC attack you. Thank you if you can help me.
I can help ya with the talking, put this in the turf section, so players cant attack or kill it.

icon = 'locke.dmi'
density = 1
set category = "Whatever you want"
set src in oview(1)
usr << "Whatever"

Hope it helps, man
In response to Muska
what do i put in the last Whatever?
In response to Leahcim
you put in what u want him to say :)
In response to Muska
ah ok
In response to Muska
dude its not working......
Leahcim wrote:
i need the command for if your by a NPC named Locke that a verb "Talk" will appear and an alert will pop-up with him talking. I also need to know how to make an NPC attack you. Thank you if you can help me.

Please stop posting the same question over and over and over. It's starting to cross the line into spam. I know you're anxious for an answer, but this is not the way to get one.

There are a few things you can do that will help you: First, when you say you want an NPC to attack, describe how attacks are supposed to work in your game. This all depends on the battle system you chose, so people can't just give you code for an attack without knowing roughly what kind of attack system you need. Second, don't tell people "It's not working" and expect any kind of useful response. If something isn't working, describe what's going wrong in as much detail as you can, and tell them how it isn't working.

Lummox JR