I've been looking around and need a little help. What is the line of code for transporting someone to a different map? I also have a little question about a verb I made. My code looks like this:

var/y = input("Delete which skill?") in list(skills)
skills -= new /skill/Fireball

The problem is, the input box doesn't show up. I know it's not a problem with the verb cuz I put an alert box before the input and the alert poped up but the input never does. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Take out the list() part, so it's just "in skills"
In response to Garthor
Thanks a lot, that did it. Anyone have an idea about the map thing? Thanks again!
In response to SSTrunks7
SSTrunks7 wrote:
Thanks a lot, that did it. Anyone have an idea about the map thing? Thanks again!
Well there are some ways in doing this. Basically the maps which are included in the coding are z levels after your original starting map.

Now there is a lib that lets you tag the z levels and change them too map names. Then using those names you can be relocated, moved to them. This is good if you have a lot of diffrent maps or maybe just z levels I dont know.

What I did with this for my map editor is change the code of the map being #included. So then there isnt any void x,y's that you dont want to be there. Course it is less easy cause you have to recompile the code every time you open a new map file. Now if I can just make the shell() command do this automatically I would be set. But I asked for help and no one gave it too me.

So just pick one :) hope I could be of some help.
SSTrunks7 wrote:
I've been looking around and need a little help. What is the line of code for transporting someone to a different map?

Different .dmp files are compiled in as different z levels of one big world map. The world map will contain all the .dmp's you compiled in, but stacked on top of each other.

The best way to find your map is to put in a turf with a tag matching the map's name, like "dungeon2.dmp", on the map's first z level. Then use locate("dungeon2.dmp") to find that turf, which will give you a z level. If the map is 3 levels high, for example, then your map extends from z to z+2.

Lummox JR