Shutup reakwon!!! dont tell them about the SSEF (Super secret eskimo force) I mean what else could be in the north west territories but some huge ass military compound training eskimos to be elite fighting demons!
lol this reminds me of the south park movie...
thats one of the reasons why i play online games like a madman.
I have nothing but time until my next opportunity to take training (security guard) and i know alot of people waste their money on things they think are entertainment, like socializing at bars and getting loaded, laughing at jokes that arent funny and throwing up a lung. I dont do any kind of drugs, only prescription drug I'll take is antibiotics if i need them, or if i were to require medications for a life threatening illness, I would take them too. I abhor prostitution and consider sex videos to be a form of it. (the naked body *not involving sex* is fine.) So honestly, since I generally stay away from many fast food restaurants. What do I have to spend money on? Oh yea, I also dont care much for sports. |
The NW Territories is where a vortex to another universe exists. It goes beyond the laws of physics.
Jacro wrote:
Shutup reakwon!!! dont tell them about the SSEF (Super secret eskimo force) I mean what else could be in the north west territories but some huge ass military compound training eskimos to be elite fighting demons! Na, seriously though, I know Canadians have military equipment 'High-tech' that we havn't yet made public. But, it's still not close to what the states have :-P RaeKwon |
Jacro wrote:
Lummox... Didnt your government give our snipers Medals for being so uber elite =p As I recall, the only reason the US won [war name here, I forgot] was because we jumped in and helped. RaeKwon |
SilkWizard wrote:
Jeez, 12-18 Canadian dollars is about $1.90 US! As of December 2nd and according to one american dollar is worth 1.55731 Canadian dollors. So it isn't a big difference at all. |
Yes, the US probably take on any other country (places like China'd be tough though) but definitaly (sp?) not all at once, we'd get horribly owned.
Sure you don't have the big cities to pollute your air, us Americans pollute your air for you (aren't we nice?) And I want to say something else, but there isn't anything else to say so I shall stop here. |
Explain to me how your infantry would be of any use after a cluster bomb has been dropped on'em? I haven't expirenced one myself but rumor has it they hurt.
Dareb wrote:
For games like Everquest and Asherons Call, id be willing to pay 12-18 cdn dollars a month, no more. I myself am unwilling to pay a monthly fee for a game, no matter what the quality. I am also unwilling to charge for such a game. I believe the initial charge is reasonable, but I am still opposed to producing entertainment for the primary purpose of profit. Something worth 30-36 canadian dollars is probably getting to the point where you're going to have people quitting their jobs to play it, which is disgusting if you ask me. |
would you mind If that game you play advertises fast-food restaurants and household products in some way or form?
because thats the only way they would be able to generate the funding to keep the game free and still be able to properly maintain good servers and keep upgrading. I myself would be willing to do that but truth is, you need money to make money. If its a fantasy game, simply advertise in player dreams. Or have the consellations of Burger King, Coca-Cola, and MiccyD's. maybe even have the clouds shift into objects once in a while :D. It would work and it wouldnt take too much from the feel of the game. Imagine this. Lesbian Assassin is resting after slaughtering a horde of goblins and shes staring up into the sky to rest up. DerDragon sits down next to her and starts looking up and watching the clouds pass by. They start talking about how to clouds kind of look like objects. Its stuff like that that is memorable. Some of my best times in Online games had something to do with the simple things, just sitting and talking to other players while keeping in character. But I jumped off track here. Point is. Yes, there is no need to charge for a game, but nothing is free and the game servers would have to get money somehow for maintenance and service fees. |
Truth is I like America, I dont like their health care. and I dont like some things that go on in Canada either.
However, there is very little to be done on such things. Its best that Canada and America remain allies, and it would probably be better that we start promoting acceptance of differences between our two countries before some gung-ho pawn starts a damn war because his safety wasnt off. |
You filthy capitalist! If the game designers and matienance team are dedicated to their vision there should be no money involved. I myself want to build a server (for bragging rights amongst my friends of course)but I'll have no use for it, why not host a game on it, and hey my friend has a lot of bandwidth that he rarely ever uses, I could stick my server there, oh and look that same friend just built himself a game, hmm maybe he'd like to let folks on the 'Net play it, yes? No money involved execpt for what we would have spent anyways. You don't have to make money on every little thing. I don't mind buying games, once, but I am not going to buy the same game every month, that is a waste of money.
That's fine, but there's not enough "others" for everyone to rely on the kindness of others. Also, there's a limit to how much you can be committed to a vision if that vision is unfunded. Most people work at least 8 hours a day for at least five days a week. This doesn't leave much time for game development, and it also has a serious impact on what I'll term "mental resources." Funding makes it easier to give game design, hosting, and maintenance the attention it deserves.
Can't win em all.