I had a dream, and well, I can prove scientists to be alot of idiots right now.
Okay, you know how light takes sometime to get to your eyes? For instance, thunder, if its a long ways away you wont see it right away but now think of this.
The scientists are studying stars, that are so far of way, the light we are getting from that star might be 500 billion years old, and that star might not even exist today, were just still getting light from it. It makes perfect sense when you think about it.
![]() Dec 14 2002, 12:13 pm
![]() Dec 14 2002, 12:16 pm
That's a simple concept; dow does it make scientists idiots?
OneFishDown wrote:
That's a simple concept; dow does it make scientists idiots? Why study something that doesn't exist no more? RaeKwon |
Who says that they don't necessarily exist? And THUNDER is the sound that LIGHTNING makes when it strikes. You see lightning immeaditely when it strikes, but HEAR THUNDER later because the speed of sound is not anywhere neer as fast as the speed of light. Just the sun takes 8 minutes for the light to reach earth, so why do we have time if it's eight minutes off? What are you even getting at man?
I don't know what they study about stars. The star might not be existing now, but we can still see it. The only thing they can study would be what it looks like, and find out information based on that. All they do is look at them, so if they can see it, they can study it. The fact that it is gone now doesn't really matter; they are well aware that that could be the case.
Hint:chemistry, biology, geology, vaculonogy, etc. |
Metallica wrote:
Who says that they don't necessarily exist? And THUNDER is the sound that LIGHTNING makes when it strikes. You see lightning immeaditely when it strikes, but HEAR THUNDER later because the speed of sound is not anywhere neer as fast as the speed of light. Just the sun takes 8 minutes for the light to reach earth, so why do we have time if it's eight minutes off? What are you even getting at man? I'm now begining to think you're a Dareb follower. First off, don't use Capitals in posts, as in your ps, and here. Second off, don't flame. Third off, grow up. Fourth off, I stated my opinion, it was in a dream I had. Fifth off, you made less than no sense. RaeKwon |
he made complete sense, you see.
Hes not a Dareb follower, we are just on a different level of understanding than the rest of you. Now this doesnt make us superior. just gives us a slightly different perspective of the world, which allow us to see things in a wider perspective with very little effort. However, at the same time we see these wider perspectives of certain topics, this can create frustration in anyone trying to communicate with us. Its a very RARE form of Autism (or at least I believe it is) its a very HIGH level Autism, where we may live day-to-day lives with almost no problems at all. Yet we will have that communication gap. Its just the way we think, doesnt mean we are wrong. |
Dareb wrote:
Its just the way we think, doesnt mean we are wrong. That's where you're wrong. It is wrong when your flaming someone about a dream they had. Now the question, why did I post it? Because I wanted to get it out of my system. RaeKwon |
Well, I dont agree with the vulgarity, even though I issue them on occasion(sp). But he made absolute sense
Dareb wrote:
Well, I dont agree with the vulgarity, even though I issue them on occasion(sp). But he made absolute sense =) Maybe to someone that thinks along his brain waves. RaeKwon |
I've known this since I did a grade 4 project on planets. Just because the star's they are looking at may or may not be there, doesnt mean that the information isnt useful.
-DogMan |
Dog Man wrote:
I've known this since I did a grade 4 project on planets. Just because the star's they are looking at may or may not be there, doesnt mean that the information isnt useful. But what gets to me, is w'ere studying something that doesn't exist. What's the point of studying it, if the information isn't usefull anymore? RaeKwon |
Dinosaur's arent alive anymore, is it pointless studing them? You study history in school, that's all gone?
Also, the majority are probably still there. Think about how little time we have spent looking at them, and the average life span of a star. -DogMan |
Dog Man wrote:
Dinosaur's arent alive anymore, is it pointless studing them? You study history in school, that's all gone? How can the information be usefull is the star seazes to exist? RaeKwon |
Imagine we are looking at a nearby star with the Hubble. and we look at a planet..
We see the planet explode and Space ships manage to escape.. they head towards Earth and warp. What would this signify? I think you have a good idea. |
All stars will exhibit similiar characteristics/behavior. By learning from stars, that may no longer exist now, we can make generaliztions about other stars.
OneFishDown wrote:
All stars will exhibit similiar characteristics/behavior. By learning from stars, that may no longer exist now, we can make generaliztions about other stars. Within billions of years things evolve, but I guess scientists will do what they do. RaeKwon |
You can learn things like the lifespan of a star, signs of what causes a star to die, what happens when a star dies. All sorts of stuff.
Think of it as watching a video. It all happened, now your just watching it at a later date. You'll still learn the same things (Although your star maps may be a little out of date). Also, like I said, it's not like the stars are dying constantly. It takes a long time (On our standards) for a star to die. -DogMan |