can someone plzz find me a code for rankings like the one in star trek im trying to make an army game and i need the code
In response to OneFishDown
ack that dont help ive been through all the demos libareis and turtorels but cant find it i know its alot of code but i cant code to great im an average coder
In response to Chrisshehu
Chrisshehu wrote:
can someone plzz find me a code for rankings like the one in star trek im trying to make an army game and i need the code

I don't know how the rankings work in star trek. Maybe if you told us how we might be able to help.
In response to Chrisshehu
An average coder who doesn't know how to write a proc, use if() statements, and change variables?
In response to Chrisshehu
First, you need to calm down a bit when you read the tutorials. I know the feeling, its a hundred things coming at you at once. Understand that a lot of it(especially the beginner stuff) you probably understand, so just take them one line at a time.

Second, I'm not sure of what you mean by rankings, could you clarify that, cuz to me, it just sounds like you want to know the order of military ranks (Private, Captain, yada, yada, yada.) Which has nothing to do with code and may be a question for "Off Topic" If that's the case I may be able to help you. Let me know.
In response to Krosse
Private, Captain ya i want ranks like that and he abilty to change them in game and to have certain jobs for each rank and to have it say there rank next to the name its going to be an army game and this is a very compilicated code i need plz help