Hey all! :D I guess some of you have been wondering where the heck I've been. Well, thanx to a certain person we'll call Bob, the telephone was cut off sometime last week, meaning I no longer have a connection to the internet. It's back to the library for me.

Not having an internet connection isn't that big a deal to me, though, as long as I can still work on my projects, which I can't. You see, also thanks to Bob, (who hasn't paid the landlord in over 5 months) the electricity was cut off to my floor last night, and I don't see it being turned back on anytime soon. (It's not a residential building, so he can do that) This, to me at least, is a big deal.

It means I no longer have a working computer system (or heat, for that matter) to complete my projects. Chatters is in stasis lock for the moment, so I hope the version digitalmouse has is stable enough for you people.

I am at my wits end with this person named Bob, and have plans to be no where near NY when he returns from his trip to the UK in early Janurary. A friend and I are in a mad dash to scrounge up some loot and hop the first rust-bucket outta this hole. We're thinking of going South-West, but nothing is set in stone quite yet.

Well, thought you'd like to know where I've been, and what I'm up to. I'll keep you updated on our adventures. L8tz!

Xooxer wrote:
Hey all! :D I guess some of you have been wondering where the heck I've been. Well, thanx to a certain person we'll call Bob, the telephone was cut off sometime last week, meaning I no longer have a connection to the internet. It's back to the library for me.

Road Runner's offering a promotion right now for free installation and first month, plus $20/mo. or so for the next 2 or 3 months. Not a bad deal.

Of course, what I've been wondering a lot more than where you've been is why you used the Canadian/British misspelling of "color" in Chatters. (Yes, I know they don't count it as a misspelling, but I'm still calling it one.)

Not having an internet connection isn't that big a deal to me, though, as long as I can still work on my projects, which I can't. You see, also thanks to Bob, (who hasn't paid the landlord in over 5 months) the electricity was cut off to my floor last night, and I don't see it being turned back on anytime soon. (It's not a residential building, so he can do that) This, to me at least, is a big deal.

Egads. Sorry to hear that.

It means I no longer have a working computer system (or heat, for that matter) to complete my projects. Chatters is in stasis lock for the moment, so I hope the version digitalmouse has is stable enough for you people.

I am at my wits end with this person named Bob, and have plans to be no where near NY when he returns from his trip to the UK in early Janurary. A friend and I are in a mad dash to scrounge up some loot and hop the first rust-bucket outta this hole. We're thinking of going South-West, but nothing is set in stone quite yet.

If you go to Santa Fe, whatever you do don't miss a right turn. Missing a left in Albuquerque isn't nearly as bad.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Of course, what I've been wondering a lot more than where you've been is why you used the Canadian/British misspelling of "color" in Chatters. (Yes, I know they don't count it as a misspelling, but I'm still calling it one.)

Well, since I implemented Spuzzum's html2colour snippet (from s_damage fame), I thought it would be a nice way to say thanx. (I did get a little sadistic and even changed color to colour in the code, not as sadistic as those people telling me to filter out color for colour in everyones chat, but close.)

We're thinking of going South-West, but nothing is set in stone quite yet.

Akron is southwest of you. We have the Inventors' Hall of Fame, you know!

This is a blow to the idea of a Chatters-based Athenaeum, but I don't think Dantom's ready to host it anyway, so I guess we'll revisit the idea when you get settled.
head NW, if i face SE id be looking in the relative same direction that your located
In response to Gughunter
I'm with Gug, Ohio is definitely the place to be! lol
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Naw, move to Indiana, they have cheaper gas prices :P
In response to ADDiCt
Move to the Metroplex (Dallas-Fort Worth). Texas is seriously kick ass.

In response to Sariat
I lived in that area, the one you mentioned Sariat, when I was 4-6 years old. I've lived in Indiana for almost 10 years now.
In response to Xooxer
If I made a chat id be very sadistic, I would change all sorts of words to things of my own choosing. It would be a very interesting experience.
In response to Jotdaniel
So whatcha know 'bout the Texas boys?
In response to Sariat
Quite frankly I don't remember much. I was 5 for crying out loud.
In response to Jotdaniel
And I wanted you to be my latex salesman.... *shakes head*
I still have room on my floor for you! Seriously..Xooxer and I have been discussing this for a while.
In response to Nadrew
I'm sure Xooxer would make a good pet!
In response to Polatrite
I wouldn't mind him around, there are tons of good jobs around here, it wouldn't be hard for him to get on his feet. He probably wouldn't mind it here, there's tons to do for a person his age.
In response to Sariat
Nothing beats Texan chilly, and all it's southwest heart-attackin-cookin'! Plus, you can track down George W. Bush's growing up house and egg it, :)!

In response to Kusanagi
Indiana Dammit! Hey Jot, where you live in Indiana?
In response to Jotdaniel
you can once Xooxers got the filter running, just make your own room. i did it with L337 anything you said turned into L337, but it crashed Chatters bigtime...
In response to ADDiCt
Move northwest to Vancouver instead! The weather is mild all year. Rainy, sure, but still mild. Still hasn't snowed at all this year. Dropped below freezing once about a week ago. =)
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