Please tell me what you would like to see in an RPG and ill do my best to make it. Thanks in advance!
Cotatoes. And porn.

Naw, just kidding.

How about some kind of pseudo-medieval sci-fi RPG? Eg. everyone fights with bows and swords and sorcery, but they do so from the back of a motorcycle, breaking through the front entrance of the enemy corporation's central office to steal files from their databanks.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
How about some kind of pseudo-medieval sci-fi RPG? Eg. everyone fights with bows and swords and sorcery, but they do so from the back of a motorcycle, breaking through the front entrance of the enemy corporation's central office to steal files from their databanks.

sounds like a metal gear solid or 007 game :P
Players that actually roleplay, but that would be a miracle. Many an idea have been destroyed because the players wouldn't be able to handle it. Most of them can't handle looking at their screen to find out how to play, they instantly ask, "how do i do this???" It really bothers me.
In response to Mertek
yeah, imma have a turorial for new people to my game and if they ask dumb questions their booted :P
In response to Koolguy900095
Well it's a good thing you'll boot them instead of directing them to the tutorial. We wouldn't want them to get angry and come back and spam your game or anything.
In response to OneFishDown
well ill probly send to tutorial, second time boot, if they spam me ban :)
Do you think having a mailing system in my game would be good? So if your far away from a friend or whatever you dont always have to shout...
In response to Koolguy900095
I've never seen Snake or 007 use swords and sorcery.
In response to Spuzzum
He uses Boomerangs on the Gameboy, but thats about as low tech as he goes I believe.

Personally I'd like to see your hair grow throughout the game, and your character getting a tan from the sunlight.
Im a big fan of things like that.
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
Do you think having a mailing system in my game would be good? So if your far away from a friend or whatever you dont always have to shout...
If I were going to have a mailing system in my game I would take out shout completly and just have the players mail each other. This would add a better RP envirment. But its you game do what you wish :) just dont get mad at me.
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
well ill probly send to tutorial, second time boot, if they spam me ban :)

Oh, I'm sure getting banned will make them happier. It's their loss I bet.
In response to Green Lime
Depends on the game -- if you're trying to make a roleplaying game* in the truest sense of the term, then having any form of global communication is suicide unless there are severe embargoes on what type of information can pass through it (eg. no in-character talk on the global channel).

On the other hand, if you're trying to make a classic roll-playing game** (like most MUDs), the point is to have fun however you want to have fun and a global communication channel is the way to go.

* Roleplaying game -- game in which players assume the roles of their personas, and enjoy themselves by acting out the parts of different people. Out-of-character speech is frowned upon.
** Roll-playing game -- game in which players can do whatever they wish, and enjoy themselves simply by exploring and doing whatever they feel like. Out-of-character speech is expected.