Dec 20 2002, 1:29 pm
How do i make it so you can smelt to make copper? Once i get that i can just edit for others, Thank you in advance!
In response to OneFishDown
Or, you could do this:
obj Copper_Ore icon = 'metals.dmi' icon_state = "Copper_Ore" Copper icon = 'metals.dmi' icon_state = "Copper" Smelter verb/Smelt_Copper() if(locate(/obj/Copper_Ore) in usr) del(Copper_Ore) // not sure if this works new/obj/Copper in usr usr << "You smelt the ore to get copper." else usr << "You don't have any Copper Ore!" I'm not sure that would work, but thats my best idea for it. |
In response to Hazman
In response to Garthor
Yeah, Garthor, I spose you could do it that way. If someone told me that, I'd stiff put
del(locate(/obj/Copper_Ore) in usr) Cause I'm wierd like that. |
In response to Garthor
Couldnt you use something like:
for(/obj/copper_ore/T in usr) del(T) ??? I dont do this kinda thing much. |
In response to Jotdaniel
I spose. That'd delete all the Copper_Ore in the user, though.
In response to Hazman
Well depending on how you put the code before it, maybe.
In response to Hazman
He never said anything about needing the copper in his inventory.
copper = 0
usr << "You smelted copper!"