No I dont mean an overlay. In my game i have signs like INN or whatever hanging and i want to know how i make them apear over the character and not under. Thanks in advance!
Layer var.
In response to Garthor
would layer = 2 work?
In response to Koolguy900095
Look up layer in the reference. You'll have to set layer to equal MOB_LAYER + 1
In response to Dog Man
Dog Man wrote:
You'll have to set layer to equal MOB_LAYER + 1

Well, anything above MOB_LAYER will do. :-)

I usually leave gaps between my layer numbers, just in case I want to add something in between later. For example, I have object A, which has a higher layer than object B, and I then want to add object C (which should appear between objects A and B). If I make object A be 10 layers above object B in the first place, it is much easier in the long run than having to going back and increasing object A's layer in order to fit in object C.

(I hope I didn't ramble too much there. :-) )