(I had posted this 6 hours ago but the comp crashed)
My loot this year was probably not as astounding as some of you kids, but it certainly was satisfying:
- A Martinez Spanish guitar with classical strings (yes, the mouse does play)
- A ''Brew Your Own'' RootBeer kit (can't get it here in Germany, at least not easily)
- An official A&W RootBeer Mug, filled with a&W RootBeer candy
- A bag of assorted TootsieRoll TootsiePops (also can't get here)
- A CDROM on the exploration of Mars
- A box of German Marzipan (in Chocolate) candy
- A nice pullover
- two computer programming books (a PHP Reference, and a Java vs. C# comparison for developers)
- A 'Linux webserver CD bookshelf' book
- Micro$oft Intellipoint Trackball
- an official limited edition 'digitalmouse international' sweatshirt
- an official limited edition 'digitalmouse international' mousepad
- and, lastly, an extra stick of 512MB SD-RAM for the digitalBYOND host server, bringing the total to 1GB of RAM...woohoo!
SO...what did Santa bring *you* ?
(easy on the spamming please)
![]() Dec 24 2002, 10:18 pm
I got Who-ville-opoly and Sim city 3000 unlimited from my littlest brother, Then from my Grandmother I got Nirvana Cd ^^ then from my parents I got... this CD/Mp3 player, Earth and beyond and Star wars Episode II Hope I didnt leave anything out... ^^
I got Tech Romancer (a Dreamcast game I really wanted), a collection of computer versions of some old strategy games, a bag of candles (not looked down upon since winter '98), some money, a glass globe to make something out of, and some losing lottery tickets... Plus my family's Xmas Eve gathering was at my house this year so I get to raid the leftovers. ;)
I got $225 and some clothes and a lamp. And The Stand by Stephen King. I got some other little things that aren't really important enough to mention. I was gonna get a computer but my parents couldn't afford it right now cause the gotta buy presents for 2 other kids, I'm getting one on my birthday though thats just for me :) Oh ya, and two free movie passes, I'm gonna see LOTR tomorrow
* A NetMD Mini-disc with the ability to play MP3's and download audio directly from the internet into the player. Sound quality is absolute top.
* Nice Carhart shirt that's thin but warm * A pair of new shoes(woo!) * A very nice wooden cd-rack * Top-quality Deoderant / Shower Gel from Hugo Boss * A calender / phonebook for 2003 in black leather * A red Rogwear belt * Odd-looking but intricate and nicely designed wooden turtle with a take-off shell and a small indent to place stuff. :) |
Lord of the rings The fellowship of the ring extended edition
X-box live starter kit Metroid Prime Lord of the rings two towers DBZ Budokai HP Chamber of secrets Cell phone Good Charlotte:The young and the hopeless CD +256 cash Tommorow I am gonna go out and buy Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon.Building up my X-box Live collection :).I had no idea Splinter Cell was online. |
Let see here...
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2) - Max Payne (PS2) - Metroid Prime (Gamecube) - Dragonball Z: Budokai (PS2) - Johnathan Davis (KoRn) action figure - KoRn DVD - Duece - Slipknot DVD - Disasterpieces - KoRn poster Yay. |
I got:
-£30 -One of those Lego Sybotics Robot things. -A fleece -2 boxes of chocolates -A Lynx giftset I really wanted a rapid-fire disc shooter from next, but I didn't. My friend got a Lego Spybot, so we can fight each other. |
I got a micropet from my sister (she's 9, I'm sure it's REALLY for me :P) and a MP3 player that I can't use with my computer :(. Had a good time though, so thats what counts.
There pretty sweet. I got the Jon for a friends birthday, then made him beat the crap out of Macho Man Randy Savage...
Like I said at the time, I was only playing with toys because my girlfriend was out of town and I couldnt drink (Had to go to the doctors in the mourning), I swear. -DogMan |
Heh, I take it the digitalmouse has a sweet tooth?
I got: -A bunch of cash. -A new DVD Player from Dad (Which is actually a really big insult if you know my Dad well enough) -Some new DVD's (Queen of the Damned, Mallrats, Clerks, ect) -A bunch of after shave and junk like that. -More cash. -New full length leather trenchcoat >=D -Half a DVD burner (Someone was being cheap, so its also for my birthday, Jan 4th for all those willing to give me stuff =P) -Red Hot Chili Pepper tickets (I got them ages ago, but they where for Christmas) -Some clothes I actually like (Very socking) -Some clothes I dont like (Not shocking) -A bunch of candy and stuff. And some other stuff I cant remember. Oh, and apparently I got 'The joy of looking after my nephew all Christmas day' as a present... But somehow I think I got ripped off with that one. Oh well, he may drool but at least he isnt as annoying as the rest of my family. -DogMan |
A wallet (I really needed it! Yeah!)
A Lamp (I also really needed it and it's so cool! You tap it to turn it on) 100 bucks (Which I used to spend on my family for christmans presents) A Dallas Cowboy T-Shirt (very nice!) 2 Old Navy Shirts (Not bad either!) I went to the Dallas Cowboy game (So I bought my self a present....what?) A cold (Got it at the Dallas Cowboy game) And last but not least... I didn't get an Xbox. Oh well, I can always buy it later on with my next paycheck. (Or I'm gonna beg my dad for 80 bucks when he picks me up tommorow since he's going out of town) -Sariat |
Dude when you get X-box save up and get xbox live.Youll love it.Get friends over and make fun of people and then they start saying stuff like your mom.
Soccerguy13 wrote:
Dude when you get X-box save up and get xbox live.Youll love it.Get friends over and make fun of people and then they start saying stuff like your mom. That's what makes me think about NOT getting Xbox live.... Bunch of idiots cussing and swearing. I could have my little 7 year old brothers in the room or something and I don't want them hearing that kinda stuff. But I'll get it anyways. -Sariat |
Nah we dont start it..See we were on and they started it.We just ended it :).Though, there is definitely alot of cussing.From nice non trash talkers too.
That's what makes me think about NOT getting Xbox live.... Bunch of idiots cussing and swearing. I could have my little 7 year old brothers in the room or something and I don't want them hearing that kinda stuff. I beleive the communicator comes with a headphone to hear what they say so your little brothers won't hear, anyways not everyone cusses and swears always. |
Well, lets see....
Reservoir Dogs(Not DVD) Dogma(Not DVD) Boondock Saints(DVD) The Thing(Special features DVD) Predator(Re-release DVD) Basically, the last 2 DVDs I recieved because my old ones got scratched up. Then like 3 sweaters, some sox, some underwear, and a punching bag(The kind you have on the stand that you fill with water, not my type but I'll still use it.). From my bro, I got the game Battlefield 1942 From my sis, I got the movie Dogma as listed above From my Grandma(Mom's side), I got 100$ dollars(Because she's rich from selling some land to shell.) and a box set for Lucky cologne. From my other Grandma, I got a really nice wallet with 10 bucks inside. Then my uncle(Mom's brother), gave me 45 dollars, 20 for christmas and as an early gift, 25 for my birthday(Which is on the 29th.) Then on my dad's side, I havn't recieved anything except from his mom, while my 2 uncles on that side have some money issues, my other 2 aunts don't, they just havn't seen us yet. So I might get more if I visit them, so there might be updates. I must say though, this has been a mighty present filled Christmas for me, and I am getting some *big* present on my birthday, I had a choice to get it on Christmas eve with the punching bag, but I chose to wait till the 29th. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
mini remote controlled car
a dragon that smokes a spliff
I also got a make your own Rootbeer kit. my mum says it can be used as explosive...
And if its on Glastonbury tickets