In response to digitalmouse
on that same line of thought

Im a relaxes faithful.

If he exists great, if he doesnt, something else (a higher power than humans) exists and that too is just fine with me.
In response to OneFishDown
well, you can still sense air with one of the 5 senses, so that argument is literally blown. ;)

God is whatever we make of it. In other words, dont worry about it too much, just live your life the way you want to. but treat others as you wish to be treated.
In response to Dareb
Exactly. I believe some... odd stuff. But I don't let that get in the way of my life and the way I like to live it.
In response to Deadron
cool.. so, can i program you?
In response to Dareb
Maybe he only talks robot talk.

Reeba fleeba bleepa fleepa?

(I'm not having a go at you Deadron, just having a laugh[Told you I believed some wierd stuff! ;-) )

PS Man that looks like a guy taking aim at someone.
In response to digitalmouse
I believe that, but in the very same sense Me and Jesus are one in the same. (not literally)

my belief is mightily complicated, but its my own belief. if its accurate thank god.. if not, ive strived to learn the truth and always had the option to be evil, yet never took it, not for the sake of my own soul, or to make 'god' happy, but to my own ends. because 'I' wanted to do things that way. such is our freedom

Just do what you believe is right. Go to church if you believe its right. Do whatever you believe is right.. thats all that truly matters in life..

Just have fun while your here.
In response to Mellifluous
So...then if someone told you there was a man around the corner with a gun and if you look hes going to kill you, are you going to look, or are you going to have faith that the person telling you this is telling you the you beleive that the man is there without ever seeing him...its the same principle. You just have to have faith in some things even if you can't see them.
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