<--(8:15 am) Pagemaster: TIME FOR THE MIDNIT JAM SCAM!!!!!!
<--(8:19 am) Pagemaster: -->(9:32 pm) Pagemaster: Hello are you there?
<--(9:33 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: No
-->(9:34 pm) Pagemaster: are you being a smart ass
<--(9:34 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: Maybe
-->(9:34 pm) Pagemaster: do you think i'am gonna put up with this shit from you
<--(9:34 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: Yes
-->(9:34 pm) Pagemaster: you kicked my dog...
-->(9:35 pm) Pagemaster: You think i dont know !!
<--(9:36 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: I gave it to the Chinese people to use for my boneless spare ribs
-->(9:37 pm) Pagemasters: OOOO now you threaten me. For kicking my dog i will kill you
-->(9:38 pm) Pagemaster: Well i will not kill you but i will sue you
-->(9:39 pm) Pagemaster: You think i am jokeing eh yes? no no no no whenn you kick my dog ....oo shit oo shit
-->(9:40 pm) Pagemaster: giveing me the silient treatment eh?
<--(9:40 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: yeah
-->(9:41 pm) Pagemaster: you think i dont know you you you you
<--(9:41 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: You dont
-->(9:41 pm) Pagemaster: thats animal abuse
-->(9:41 pm) Pagemaster: what did my dog do to you
-->(9:43 pm) Pagemaster: you stupid fool. i'am going to the policestation with my gay- grandson and when I come back oo ooo o you are screwed
-->(9:44 pm) Pagemaster: no comment huh
-->(9:45 pm) Pagemaster: NC.........
-->(9:46 pm) Pagemaster: You have been caught on the JAM SCAM!!!!!
<--(10:02 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: WTF? you crazy
<--(8:24 am) Pagemaster: well folks they'll be more Jam Scams by the one and only Pagemaster everyday. :D i save them in my jokes file today was my first show :)
<--(8:25 am) Pagemaster: ass for tommorrow bye!!!!!!!
And of course this earned a pagerban for Pagemaster. Why do you people do this? Don't you understand that the pager is *not* meant to be a live chat system (that's what BYOND is for), and that you cost DanTom money when you post this crap, especially when sent to 'all'.
It is this waste of DanTom's bandwidth and services that could cause BYOND to go belly-up due to excess expenses. Won't you be happy when that happens? I sure won't.
Stop these useless transmissions over the pager - you will only hurt the entire community. Use this energy to build a chat system so that you can do this on your own time, with your own resources. Please STOP wasting DanTom's!
NC I think I'll give some benefit of the doubt as I did with Kereg, and still allow him access to my games. But he obviously, like Kereg, doesn't have the brains to know that you don't just page-all everyone in response to one individual. I can't imagine what must have gone on in the minds of people who were on NC's list but not Pagerbater's; they would have seen some very funky half-conversation.
Lummox JR