I'm working on a new game called, "Dragon Ball Densetsu". That's right, Dragon Ball Densetsu, and no I didn't say "Z" anywhere in there. It's going to be a Dragon Ball game without all the Dragon Ball Z influences included. I'm planning to make this game a large, strict roleplaying environment. I am not planning on making a game where you can just log in and become the most powerful in a few minutes, oh no. I am making a game where actually have to spend time training, interacting with NPC's, and having fun at the same time. Ever seen the show, "Dragon Ball" before? Well, if you have, you will know that you don't become the strongest in a few days. It takes years to train and become a worthy opponent to anyone. I am trying to my best, while taking my time, to make a game that everyone will enjoy, not just all the Dragon Ball Z fans. If you like to train hard, work for your power, show off a little bit, and roleplay all at the same time.. I asure you, you'll like this game. This will be a game with no visible variables, or numbers to train up.

Here's a list of things that will be encoded into my game.

*Equality - Everyone knows that in real life everyone is equal, right? So if this is a roleplaying game, wouldn't it be correct to make everyone equal? Yup, that's why I try my hardest to equal out everyone's character. I feel that it is best to have equality in a game, because it is seriously not fair if everyone does not have the same oppurtunity to become a great warrior on Dragon Ball Densetsu. For example, lets say Brian started out with great developing skills and Jonathan started out with great speed abilities, they would each have their own oppurtunity to excel in one ability and learn other abilites along the way.

*Characters - Your race, and pretty much all of your stats are randomized on Dragon Ball Densetsu, just like real life. Haircolor, eyecolor, height, skin tone, stature, everything is randomized. I know people probably won't like this option, but it's the way I've decided it should be. These traits are not always locked into place, they can be changed through time.

*Ki system - The Ki system is what this game is all about. It has a one of a kind Ki system, I guess you could say. Actually, it's just like using real life Ki. If you are sane, and not a Ki freak, you would know that you can't see your Ki, but this is a Dragon Ball game. When you use your Ki, first you have to develop your it from visualization and meditation. Developing and manipulating your Ki to do things could take weeks of gameplay, but you can do other things while training. You could move it into your back and make it push out, to walk or run faster. Or you could learn from one of your masters, such as Roshi or Crane, a powerful Ki attack. When using powerful attacks you do not just click a verb and fire away. Lets say you wanted to use a Kamehameha wave.. First you would put Ki into both of your hands, focus for a few minutes, and then say, "Kamehameha." It's pretty simple.. But the first time you try to do it, it could take two or three hours.

*Masters - When the game first starts out, there will probably be about 15 NPC masters. As the game develops and players start to become stronger and start to master fighting stances and styles, they too can become a master. When a player wants to become a pupil of a master, the player must seek out the Master and live with them, training everytime he or she gets a chance. Every three months (three years game time), when there is a tournament, the pupil will represent his or her master in the tournament. Note: Not everyone has to have a master.

*Macros - Each player will be able to customize their own buttons for combat. To customize your buttons, all you have to do is click on an ability/skill in the abilities tab and prompt will pop up asking you for what button you want to set this skill for. The buttons you can use are A, S, D, F, Z, X, C, V. So, you can put any skill on any button, whenever you want. There are already some set buttons, like jump, block, run, ect..

*Stances - In Dragon Ball Densetsu there will be many, many stances. Some of the stances include Mantis, Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Drunken Master, and Wolf. Each stance has it's own abilities and attacks. For instance, Monkey is a quick, agile stance and Ox is a slow, stunning, and powerful wrestling stance. The person using the Monkey stance would probably tear up the person using the Ox stance. That is why it will be good to learn and master many stances while training.

*Skills and abilities - Mastering skills and abilities on Dragon Ball Densetsu is a tremendous achievement, because it takes so long to master even the weakest of skills. There will be tons of in game skills and a bunch of skills that players can develop and master all by themselves. Each stance that a person learns has their own melee combat skills, which are all edited using button macros.

*Combat system - A combat system is what makes a Dragon Ball, or any game good. It's a little complicated to explain, but I'll tell you how Kamehameha will be encoded into the game. First, you would have to put all your Ki into your hands, focus and concentrate on your target for a moment, then say, "Kamehameha." The Kamehameha will form in your hands then it will shoot out in the direction you are facing. And yes, you will be able to face Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast. Or, you could just doubleclick on your target to shoot it at them, but it will not chase them.. Unless you know how to move your waves while they are already flying through the air. Attacks like sweep, punch, uppercut, roundhouse, kick, doublekick, ect.. will be close range attacks, and are able to be blocked. For instance, is Brian was about to punch Jonathan, it would send a message to Jonathan saying, "Brian pulls back his left arm.." This would give Jonathan a split second to hit the block macro, in hopes of blocking Brian's attack.

*Mapping - The map and turf on which you walk and explore on is yet another big portion in a good Dragon Ball game. I plan to make it just like the large continent on the show, to create realism. It could take days, of in game time, to travel across the continent. But it really depends on your speed and your determination. You could stop in Troy, a city, to get something to eat and chill for a while. Or you could go to Yunzabit heights, the end of the continent, to train.

*Clothes and armor - Clothes and armor will all be fully customizable, for the full effect of real life. Perhaps you could visit a city tailor and get some new boots, or a new shirt you've wanted so you can look cool for your next tournament? Or maybe you could go to Capsule Corp. in South City to get some free armor from Bulma herself? It's all up to you in Dragon Ball Densetsu.

That is about all I can release about Dragon Ball Densetsu right now. It probably won't be up and running for a while, but keep your eyes open. If you have any suggestion, comments, or questions, email Kijokiha at [email protected]. -_-
Wow, a Dragonball game that actually seems worthwhile. Hope there's no PKing, or a prevention that prevents overly-strong people from killing people who just created a character.
In response to Hanns
Well, PK will be a huge deal. Once you die, you won't come back for a while. If you're a killer, you will probably have a whole entire school on you, plus the police. It's not a wise decision. =)
In response to Kijokiha
It's usually best to punish the PKer, rather than their victims. If you have swarms of AI-controlled police that hunt down PKers, that would be good. Then you could make the delay until you respawn longer if you're killed by the police. :-)

Also - if it's easy to die when you start out, permanent or long-term death can be quite frustrating for new players.

Just some suggestions, I hope they help! :-)
In response to Crispy
Thanks, Crispy. I like constructive criticism like that. Now, I'll put that into perspective to new characters. -_-
In response to Kijokiha
You have to look at Pking like this. Not all PKers give warning and not all PKers kill fighting masters. Take Piccolo Daimo he killed krillin and the tourny announcer. He killed millions of innocent bystandards and he killed master Roshi. Its like this if you role play as a killed than be a killer dont just run around attacking people at random iif yoou role play a flower. BTW guys Im helping with graphics :-P.
all my dimes on this game never sees the light.
In response to Maz
All of my dimes on this game will never even make it to the hub, they will just quit in the middle.
In response to SSJKaclis
All my dimes that this will be the most popular game on BYOND, And if I lose, you can have my 0 dimes. :)
In response to Jermman
No it wont, I mean who wants to play a game like 3 months when all of a sudden there could be a PWIPE? These guys are doing something terribly wrong. Time.
In response to SSJKaclis
It was a joke.... I have no dimes...
Don't promise too much. I know I do. But, good idea, I appluad your effort. If you pull it off EXACTLY like you said (which you probably won't, trust me), then, you might give DBTC some competition. And, I hope it's not turn-based, that's what turned off DBTC for me.

In response to SSJKaclis
Well, obviously, if the game is finished, there won't be any PWipes. Duh.
In response to Kijokiha
Well, if you expect to see improvements on the game while it is out, expect to have a PWIPE. Some Coding needs a PWIPE in order to finish.
In response to SSJKaclis
I am aware of this. But if the coding is all finished, then there is no need for a PWipe. Perhaps addinng some new stuff in the maps. But I only plan to PWipe in the early stages.
In response to MizticRaditz
The idea is good and it sounds very worthwhile in fact I thought of it for a while but quit and was never released, so here is my suggestion: "Don't show your work or have version one until you at least have 20-40 quests and at least 10 diffrent Ki-attacks that way they can have fun and you can work your *** off finishing it without having the little annoying people paging you, also don't change the character Logins such as mob/saiyan don't later delete that character class to make mob/charcter/saiyan because this is the type of stuff that makes it so you have to use pwipes and if you have Pwipes, before they login tell them everything that is new so they feel that it was all worth getting deleted over."
Best of wishes if you need any help, suggestions or just want to ask what a normal player wishes to see in a game page me at: SSJ4 Majin Trunks,Pimp Antonio,or Yugi Moto
In response to Kijokiha
Stop saying pwipe, it's not even a word. If you mean you have to delete save files for any reason, you don't. Unless if you write crappy code, there is no reason to delete save files.
In response to Yugi Moto
You shouldn't have mob/saiyan anyway, if there are other kinds of mobs it's possible to be; this should be mob/player/saiyan, or mob/PC/saiyan, or mob/char/saiyan, or whatever. That way you can identify player mobs in one stroke (e.g. istype(M,/mob/player)) instead of having to check each character class (e.g. istype(M,/mob/saiyan) || istype(M,/mob/human), etc.).
In response to Crispy
yea well there's some ppl who use mob/monster and thats it