Hi is there a short code for saving? I believe i have the saving down but i cannot be sure. I also would like a verb load for an obj that you click on title screen. any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

try using the help file in dream maker just hit F1 while in Dream Maker and look for saving. Also look up click.
Look up Super16 in BYOND people. Hes got a saving library i prefer over deadrons.
In response to Jotdaniel
you could also look up Raekwon he has one also
In response to Zaltron
Muska asked for a short saving code. That's why I never liked saving libraries, they were way too complicated for something so simple.
In response to OneFishDown
thats why I suggested using the help file
In response to OneFishDown
Have you looked at Super16's? Its not that long, and fairly simple to use.