-------------------------this is the say verb.
mob/var/face = ""

mob/verb/say(msg as text)
set category = null
var/bmp = file(usr.face)
world << "\icon[bmp] [usr]: [msg]"
--------------------------this is what i need:
A verb in which I can set the icon on the say verb by loading an icon from the user's system.

like this: [picture] [the user's name]: [message]
(a diagram, not coding.)

Basicly, a verb to set the icon by selecting an icon from the user's system.
--------------------------Oh and heres the .dms file

i've waited about a day and it was off the main page. I recieved no help. Im trying to make the verb. I know it's probaly simple but i cant figure it out.
In response to Zlegend2
Zlegend2 wrote:
i've waited about a day and it was off the main page. I recieved no help. Im trying to make the verb. I know it's probaly simple but i cant figure it out.

In the help file, under "file proc" is the following example:

mob/verb/set_pic(F as file) 
usr.picture = F

Hope that helps.

-<font color="#ffff00">Nova</font>
In response to Nova2000
Nova2000 wrote:
Zlegend2 wrote:
i've waited about a day and it was off the main page. I recieved no help. Im trying to make the verb. I know it's probaly simple but i cant figure it out.

In the help file, under "file proc" is the following example:

mob/verb/set_pic(F as file) 
> usr.picture = F

I dont think you want file. Use icon.

mob/verb/set_pic(I as icon)
usr.face = I
Zlegend2 wrote:
-------------------------this is the say verb.
mob/var/face = ""

mob/verb/say(msg as text)
set category = null
var/bmp = file(usr.face)
world << "<BIG>\icon[bmp]</BIG> [usr]: [msg]"
I dont think the file() proc is necessary
set category = null
world << "<BIG>\icon[usr.face]</BIG> [usr]: [msg]"

IMG.icon {width: 64px;height: 64px;}
BODY {background:black; color:white;}
Unless this is in a script file i believe This should be:
client/script = "<STYLE>BODY {background: black; color: white} IMG.icon{width:64;height:64}</STYLE>"
nvm, this question. [edit]