Is it true, when you start using drugs at a certain age, your stuck in that frame of mind? So you could be 19, but in your mind, your 14? Thats something my mom was tlaking about. My cousin started using drugs around 14.
I've never heard of that. The way you act has nothing to do with you age, mainly it has to do with your life experiences. If you do drugs, you will still mature and develope. There might be a possiblity but it would depend on the drug, stuff like crack and ecstacy might, but weed doesn't.
In response to Tokabol
He's done all those hard drugs.
In response to Branks
people that use "hard" drugs are idiots simple, i cant think of anyone that i know, and that i like that does them.
In response to Tokabol
Tokabol wrote:
...but weed doesn't(I don't consider it a drug since it comes straight from the plant to your body ;))

Then you should probably stop smoking it, because it's already doing brain damage if you think plants can't be the same as drugs. It may not be processed into capsule form, but that doesn't make it not a drug.

This is why claims that "all natural = safe" are bogus. Lots of herbs and such have medicinal properties, and our very first drugs were such things.

Lummox JR
In response to Tokabol
So if you eat poison berries directly off the plant, they aren't poison?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
This can be true, if you meet many people who do drugs(in there 30's or 40's) they still act like teenagers. Although its not totaly true, it is in a way true. I have met a lot of older men who did and still do drugs, they are a bunch of teen age minded kids. They cant keep money, they cant hold a job, all they can think about is drugs and sex most of the time. This is not true for everyone, but a lot of people, weed does the lease of all, but it is a gateway drug, i know many who started out with weed and pill poping, but have done lots more because of it. I really hate it when people say things like "I know what im doing, im not going to do something like cocane" or "Ya i only smoke pot, alcihol is bad for you". I hate morons like that. People just dont want to see that they are letting themselfs go down the crapper.
Branks wrote:
Is it true, when you start using drugs at a certain age, your stuck in that frame of mind? So you could be 19, but in your mind, your 14? Thats something my mom was tlaking about. My cousin started using drugs around 14.

Depends what type of drug(s) your refering to. I, for one, started smoking weed at 14. Only thing I noticed to change was my state of mind (my short-term memory is a little weeker now). But I use it to relieve stress, and it's also a good party material.

Branks wrote:
Is it true, when you start using drugs at a certain age, your stuck in that frame of mind? So you could be 19, but in your mind, your 14? Thats something my mom was tlaking about. My cousin started using drugs around 14.

Using any kind of mind-altering drugs will affect the way you process information, form memories, etc., depending on the drug and its effects. So depending on how heavily you use drugs, your mental state might not really progress much from there because experiences are basically bouncing off you; they may be recalled, but not enough serious thought goes into them to learn from them. That's basically what people are talking about.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Yea, mainly I was talking about lack of responsibility, behind on truck payments, stealing, acting immature to the extreme.
In response to RaeKwon
Thats not a good thing to say here in these forums, Raekwon, I know a bunch of naive 10-11 year olds... drugs arent a good thing to have in your life, the way im looking at it is, its just teasing you body 0.o.

-= Kaclys =-
In response to RaeKwon
Thats only a year ago, and a really bad example for what Branks is talking about.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I never said anything about poison, pretty much every consumable has poison in it(preservitives and what not). Most of it is so small that it has no effect on you what so ever, and yes I would consider THC a poison since it does cause MINOR harm to your brain(short-term memory and thats it, don't believe what other people say). Marijuana is technicly a drug, but not a bad one like crack, herion or cocain. It is still unhealthy, but not as bad as ciggaretts or alcohal. I consider pills(when abused),crack, herion, cocain, ecstasy and speed bad drugs, marijuana is not a bad drug, it is used for medicinal purposes, they wouldn't give patients something that's really unhealthy. Now that I thought of it, the fact that it comes straight from the plant has nothing to do with it, your right Lexy, but I still stand by my statement in this post.
In response to Weedman
How is that funny?
In response to Tokabol
My point was this:

"I don't consider it a drug since it comes straight from the plant to your body"

Doesn't matter where it comes from and how many steps it takes to get there... if it's poison, it's poison, and if it affects your body and/or brain, it's a drug. I'm not saying that being a drug is a good thing or a bad thing. If you wanna say marijuana is healthy or mostly harmless or whatever it is you're trying to say, go ahead and say it... but if you're going to try to bring the fact that it's "natural" into the picture as evidence, forget about it. Nature kills people all the time. The deadliest poisons in the world are natural.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I know that, I retracted my statement in the edit, sorry for not marking it, I'll do that now.
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:

Only thing I noticed to change was my state of mind (my short-term memory is a little weeker now).

See... Rae has experiences with it and he knows the facts. Don't believe what they tell you on DARE and anti-weed commercials.
In response to Scoobert
It's only a gateway drug if you hang out with the wrong people or have no mind of your own. It has nothing to do with the drug itself, if it was leagalized, people wouldn't hang out with shady dealers, hence, they wouldn't have hard drugs avalible to them.
In response to Tokabol
Tokabol wrote:
they wouldn't give patients something that's really unhealthy.

What? Chemo therapy drugs, Lithium for bipolar disorders, Electroshock therapy, Xrays, anything that will kill intestinal parasites.... need I go on?

Toxins are used all the time in medicine. To this day, immunity shots contain small amounts of mercury. It is believed by some that immunity shots can cause autism, as it is by far most prevalent in developed countries that do routine immunity schedules for children.

The drug for malaria is believed to cause emotional and psycological problems with some people. It drives them crazy.
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