EditSheet(obj/o as obj in sheet)
set category= "Sheet"
set name= "Edit="
var/promptbox = alert("What would you like to change??","Edit?","Name","Stats","Icon")
if(promptbox == "Name") = input("Stat Editor","Change name to..", text
if(promptbox == "Stats")
o.stat = input("Stat Editor","Edit Stats to?",o.stat)as message
if(promptbox == "Icon")
o.icon = input("Stat Editor","Set icon to...",o.icon)as file

This is the verb im using to edit objs. It has one flaw though. If you type in the input for name in blank it will show the name blakn it becomes.. blank *hmm nice observation..* Im wanting it towhere it switchs to the name Sheet when instead of being blank when they type in nothing on it. Is this possible without changing the inputs all around?
if(promptbox == "Name")
var/N1 = input("Stat Editor","Change name to..", text
if(N1 == null) return
else = N1

If you don't write a name for it it doesn't change.

.: | HILEL | :.
In response to Hilel