Just my luck - I download an MP3 off of KaZaA and I get a frickin' virus. It started deleting my Windows files, so I instantly turn off the computer. Then I turn it back on again. But wait - everything's normal? "But I thought it said "Deleting win.ini"?". I am SO confused. Prehaps it was just a hoax.... grrr.. I knew I shouldn't have opened a MP3 with a smiley face for an icon.

Ya thats a fast clue there, smilys are evil. Also, tech tv was talking about mp3 viruses, and they said they attacked windows2000-XP.
Dracon wrote:
Just my luck - I download an MP3 off of KaZaA and I get a frickin' virus. It started deleting my Windows files, so I instantly turn off the computer. Then I turn it back on again. But wait - everything's normal? "But I thought it said "Deleting win.ini"?". I am SO confused. Prehaps it was just a hoax.... grrr.. I knew I shouldn't have opened a MP3 with a smiley face for an icon.


Just a thought on viruses..If you do get a virus that starts deleting vital files, turning your computer off is probably the worst thing you can do(IMO). If it deletes a file vital to starting up windows or other, you won't be able to restart properly and get rid of the virus. Better off downloading an anti-virus program off Kazaa/ZDNet/CD/Whereever and getting rid of it right away.
In response to Scoobert
Stupid XP! :: kicks his computer ::
Stupid McAfee! :: kicks his McAfee ::
Dracon wrote:
Just my luck - I download an MP3 off of KaZaA and I get a frickin' virus. It started deleting my Windows files, so I instantly turn off the computer. Then I turn it back on again. But wait - everything's normal? "But I thought it said "Deleting win.ini"?". I am SO confused. Prehaps it was just a hoax.... grrr.. I knew I shouldn't have opened a MP3 with a smiley face for an icon.

Dracon, you've fallen victim to one of Microsoft's standard features designed for the incompetent: Namely, it's hiding your file extensions.

Go into your folder options, and turn off anything like "Hide extensions for known types", and turn on "Show all extensions". The file you clicked on was probably named with .mp3.exe or some such crap.

And while you're at it, you should ditch KaZaA and use something that doesn't suck, like WinMX. WinMX has its flaws but it's pretty good, and has the widest selection of anything I've seen; LimeWire isn't bad either except for the fact that it uses the Gnutella network. Plus, neither of those programs are spyware, which KaZaA is. (I'm told KaZaA Lite isn't spyware, but I wouldn't trust it.)

Lummox JR
In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
Just a thought on viruses..If you do get a virus that starts deleting vital files, turning your computer off is probably the worst thing you can do(IMO). If it deletes a file vital to starting up windows or other, you won't be able to restart properly and get rid of the virus. Better off downloading an anti-virus program off Kazaa/ZDNet/CD/Whereever and getting rid of it right away.

I could just see that.

Dracon downloads an anti-virus scanner off of KaZaA. Oops! Bejamin virus!

I couldn't even move my mouse or type on my keyboard. I probably would have done the Ctrl + Alt + Del and ended the program if I could have typed.


[edit] Hey kiddies! Don't trust KaZaA! =P
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Dracon, you've fallen victim to one of Microsoft's standard features designed for the incompetent: Namely, it's hiding your file extensions.

Yeah, that's Microsoft for you.

Go into your folder options, and turn off anything like "Hide extensions for known types", and turn on "Show all extensions". The file you clicked on was probably named with .mp3.exe or some such crap.

Slipknot - Wait and Bleed.mp3.exe
Yep, you were right =/

And while you're at it, you should ditch KaZaA and use something that doesn't suck, like WinMX. WinMX has its flaws but it's pretty good, and has the widest selection of anything I've seen; LimeWire isn't bad either except for the fact that it uses the Gnutella network. Plus, neither of those programs are spyware, which KaZaA is. (I'm told KaZaA Lite isn't spyware, but I wouldn't trust it.)

Yeah, I'm going back to WinMX. Thanks for the advice! =)

In response to Lummox JR
I use kazaa lite because its add free and you can download programs, not just mp3. I had a problem with all the programs like kazaa and bearshare because they had a bunch of ads, and for somereason they slowed my computer way down. Plus all the pop ups and spy ware. Kazaa lite is(as for as i can tell) your safest bet out there. Always make sure you have a good virus scanner though.
In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
Stupid XP! :: kicks his computer ::
Stupid McAfee! :: kicks his McAfee ::

Ah. Besides KaZaA, McAfee is another program you shouldn't trust, but for a different reason. McAfee isn't spyware, but it sucks.

McAfee is essentially responsible for an industry shift about a decade ago from "profilers" (which essentially caught viruses by their behavior and method of infection) to signature detectors. Naturally, signatures are a lot more mutable than profiles, and so while it might be nice to know which specific variant of a virus nailed you, it's a lot nicer to catch it in time. McAfee's had a bad track record on newer viruses.

Lummox JR
In response to Dracon
[edit] Hey kiddies! Don't trust KaZaA! =P

Nonsense. It's the most reliable virus sharing program on the web.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Nonsense. It's the most reliable virus sharing program on the web.
LOL! It's so true.
In response to Lummox JR
Hey pc-cillin, it is the best and easyest virus scanner, and it doesnt get in your way like most do. I let it run and never know its running untill it pops up saying sdfjiodf90390484.dat(all kazaa files are in .dat form untill downloaded all the way) has a virus, would you like to delete it, quirentine it, try to fix it. I have never found a file that it can fix, but it always cheches the viruses before they are even finished downloading.
In kazaa in the options there should be an option to not show phoney file extensions when your looking for say music or movies. I checked that and haven't had any problems yet (and hopefully never will.)
Just a thought, KaZaA is spyware, so right when you download it, you get a virus. I never did trust KaZaA after this guy attempted to send me a virus (Thank you Nortan Anti-virus 2002).

-= Kaclys =-
I've been using Kazaa ever since Morpheous (sp?) died and I have yet to have any problems. I have to wonder what you folks are doing when I read all of these horror stories, I mean, I've downloaded some programs that looked very suspicious but I didn't run them, all you need is a little common sense and there should be any problems.
In response to DasFalke
Common sense is when you quit KaZaA.

-= Kaclys =-
In response to DasFalke
I never run anything thats an application on Kazaa... But it is definitly dangerous to use period since it's a direct link into your computer or someone elses... Also I heard some file formats that arn't application formats will sometimes give viruses too... Although I'm not sure there is any way they can do that.
In response to SSJKaclis
SSJKaclis wrote:
Common sense is when you quit KaZaA.

-= Kaclys =-

Which...*delete* is what i just did :P
In response to Scoobert
That isnt free by chance is it? And to lummox, I hate mcafee, it came with my computer and has stopped/told me about...lets see virus to date.
In response to ADDiCt
I deleted kazaa a little while ago after hearing about benjiman (I don't know how to spell it)... Then realized id rather risk it and download my favorite movies or music then not and be safe :P Then I redownloaded it.
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