How can I find them?
You search for RPGMaker on your favorite search engine.
In response to Garthor
Remembering, of course, that it's illegal to download it (or so I've heard).
In response to Crispy
When has THAT stopped anyone?
In response to Garthor
But now he can't say that he didn't know it was illegal to download it. :-D
In response to Crispy
Why on earth is it illegal?
In response to Tokabol
Because it's not freeware. By law, you have to PAY for it in order to own a copy of it. Therefore, downloading it without paying the creators is illegal.

In response to Crispy
Oh ya! The English version is hacked, OK I get it now.
In response to Tokabol
Tokabol wrote:
The English version is hacked

Well, that too.