It was the worse of times, too. I have some good news, and some bad news.

Good News first! I got an Xbox! Woohooo! Jan 21st I will get more stuff for it! (controller, maybe Live!) So a big "Woop Woop" to that.

Now, for the bad news. My stepbrothers might be coming to live with me, my brother(12) and my little sister(1 1/2). I don't know the details but it means that I will be sharing lots of things with them. Room, house, Computer, Xbox, School, lots of things. (One is a senior in highschool and the ohter one is the same age as me.) I don't know what it will be like. I just know it's going to be bad. I'll be finding out more as the night goes on. But..gyah... I'm not looking forward to this.

Poor guy...
But it means more people to whoop on Halo!
In response to Maz
Yeah, it means more that I have to share, more that I have to buy, more of everything. More of the good stuff, more of the bad stuff. If I come home (fresh with paycheck) and I get my brother (The 12 year old one) a controller and a game, my stepbrothers are going to be all like "Where's my stuff?" and all this crap. And then, when I have a date and I want to use the car, my other brothers will be all like "Hey, I need a ride to this place and this and that" or "I wanted to use the car!"'s going to mess up my life.
Hehe Sariat its not so bad I have 3 older Siblings and 4 Younger and all but 2 live in the same house its not as bad as you would think, we got 2 computers a tv and a another tv with the consoles on it and we get along quite well most of the time my 2 youngest siblings 2 and 4 watch tv/play with there toys then the 3rd youngest 10 plays outside then the other one 12 (sagu) plays on the computer or watches movies/goes outside while my older sister plays on the computer/talks on the phone/ and goes outside, I play on the computer/go outside/ watch tv so all im saying is it wont be as bad as you think aslong as you stay out of each others hair its quite peaceful ^^
In response to Jacro
We won't. We all like the computer. We all like video games. But, I don't really like TV all that much. So it might work. I don't know if he's bringing the computer or not.
In response to Sariat
If they ask why you didn't get them anything just be rude and tell them, "Hey, your not my real brother.", or say it plural, whatever.(Tired, and don't feel like checking the message to see if you said step brothers.)

So what's the good news? X-box isn't good. You should've gotten a GCN or a PS2.
In response to Sariat
If one is in HighSchool then you can tell him to get a job too - then you won't need to worry about buying things for the otherside of the family...
In response to digitalmouse
Both of them in are in highschool. One's a senior and the other is a Sophmore (like me). And, well, thier mom didn't really show them how to work. So thier pretty lazy.
In response to Garthor
I have a gamecube with Phantasy Star Online. It owns all =D.

-= Kaclys =-
Sariat wrote:
Good News first! I got an Xbox! Woohooo! Jan 21st I will get more stuff for it! (controller, maybe Live!) So a big "Woop Woop" to that.

Sorry pal, but. explains it all.

In response to NeoHaxor
This and Garthors posts are just obvious attempts at starting another console wars thread. It is not needed guys!
In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
This and Garthors posts are just obvious attempts at starting another console wars thread. It is not needed guys!

In response to Maz
I dont mean to start any kind of war. That article if very funny in fact that whole webpage is entertaining.

"I work hard for my money, and I spend it how I choose. No one's stopping you from getting a job."
Ouch....Sad to say, I'll be feeling your pain sometime. Fortunately not quite as soon as yourself, but probably over this upcomming summer. I'll be sharing pretty much everything with a 10 year old step brother(can be ok at times, but just as easily annoying), a 12 year old step sister(defines annoying), and a step sister my age(very odd living with a girl non blood related). Not only that, but they fight a lot, and can be VERY loud. I don't know about anyone else, but I ususally perfer peace and quiet most of the time. Let me know how it turns out though.
