After thinking about it for a while, I believe that rap is truly fake. They promote a life style that doesn't exist, thus "corrupting the youth", or tricking them into believing that they can live a lifestyle such as they promote.

Of course, this doesn't go for all rap artists... but most.

Where as most rock music have true meaning to it, such as Jonathan Davis quotes about his song "Here to Stay"

"Here to Stay is basically about being fed up with people taking advantage of you. I wrote it when being angry of basically being born a nice guy. Nice people always get taking advantage of. And lashing out basically I'm tired of this and I'm not going to let you do this to me, I'm here and I want to be this way."
Courtesy of

Of course, the opinion is slanted towards rock music because it is my choice of music. But share your opinion, weither it be to yell at me for "dissing rap", or on Jon's statement.


I agree with your point of view on rap, but also its my prefered style of music. I also agree with Jonathan Davis's quote, but i dont like all that much of his music.
In response to Jotdaniel
I also agree. I hear all of this rap and hip-hop music everywhere I go, and about 90% of the time it's about prostitutes, drugs, money, or cars. Definetly promoting crime and such activities. It's also very fake. They take words from other songs, put it to a simple beat, and people think it's the greatest thing they've ever heard. This is exactly why I will never advocate rap or similar music.
I don't like rap and I don't like Korn.
In response to Mertek
I know people live that way, but the rappers dont, and most of the people who live that was do so because they think its alright. I do not like rap very much. Very few rap songs a about true life events or things that should even be said. I dont want to know how much drugs these people do, nor how many weman they have had. I think that rock tends to make the idea of using drugs worce because they say they used drugs and it screwed them over. Plus old rockers who did lots of hard drugs can be examples of how things can go wrong and lifes can be ruined.
...some rappers actualy went through the stuff they rap about...others rap about non-sence like nelly's "Hot in herre"...and some of em rap to get their feelings out...(some to make money and get girls)
In response to Koolguy900095
weather or not it really happend to them is besides the point. The real point is that they should not be saying stuff like that, it teaches people that its ok to do druges, have lots of underage sex, pimp, and so on and so forth. I think that beeping a cuss word out does not fix the song. The meaning is still there, the first thing you learn about words you cant read or understand is use the sentence to help you under stand what the word means or is supposta be. Thus even 10 year olds can easly get what the word is supposta be and what it means.

yes i am awear that the title of the thread is Rap=Fake, but i think thats not totaly what he meant, just part of.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
teaches people that its ok to do druges, have lots of underage sex, pimp, and so on and so forth. I think that beeping a cuss word out does not fix the song.

ummm when do they talk about underage sex????? name a song....please i really wanna kno...
In response to Jotdaniel
I agree almost all the rap I see is fake. Alot of rock that I see, however, is real because of the messages that it sends usually are about growing up within a bad lifestyle. One rapper I really don't like is Emenem. He makes hateful and very insulting remarks to groups of people, including his own mother, talks in his songs about how he grew up in such a horrable lifestyle, when in all truth he did no such thing and grew up in a loving, rich home. I like to call him a spoiled wannabe.
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
I also agree. I hear all of this rap and hip-hop music everywhere I go, and about 90% of the time it's about prostitutes, drugs, money, or cars.

Ok, first if you think it is 90% you are very sadly mistaken. A lot of songs may include references to these things(and cars, what's so wrong about cars?) but it is no where near 90% that is a big misjudgement that most people make about rap

Definetly promoting crime and such activities. It's also very fake. They take words from other songs, put it to a simple beat, and people think it's the greatest thing they've ever heard. This is exactly why I will never advocate rap or similar music.

Promoting crime? Ok, but anything of a statement wether it be women, crime, drugs or anything else can right back and pointed at rock and alternative music like that. When your thinking of stuff like this think of Ozzy Osbourne who is a total wierdo and bite a head off a rat, I mean comeon. And besides him look at Marilyin Manson, that guy is a total nut-case. Just remember by making these statement can be shot right back at whatever music you listen to most likely.
In response to ADDiCt
look at what (some) punk rock talks about...
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
I agree almost all the rap I see is fake. Alot of rock that I see, however, is real because of the messages that it sends usually are about growing up within a bad lifestyle.

Ok, your just countering yourself with statements like these seeing as Eminem had a hard childhood as well...

One rapper I really don't like is Emenem. He makes hateful and very insulting remarks to groups of people, including his own mother, talks in his songs about how he grew up in such a horrable lifestyle, when in all truth he did no such thing and grew up in a loving, rich home. I like to call him a spoiled wannabe.

Please, and yes Please show me a website or an article that showed he grew up in a loving, rich home? And by the way all the hating remarks pretent "murders" and such are his "Eminem" and "Slim Shady" persona. Not his "Marshell Mathers" persona
In response to Koolguy900095
they don't talk about underage sex, but they talk about sex, and a lot of there audience are underage.
In response to Koolguy900095
scoobert are ya going to answer or was it that you lied about the underage sex thing?
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
The real point is that they should not be saying stuff like that, it teaches people that its ok to do druges, have lots of "underage" sex, pimp, and so on and so forth.

Please tell me what is so wrong about underage sex? And "pimping"? And if a person wants to pimp it's their choice, if you consider this a nasty lifestyle I can show you some websites and you will totally forget about "pimping"

I think that beeping a cuss word out does not fix the song. The meaning is still there

Exactly why they shouldn't have Radio Edits
In response to Scoobert
then why did you say that o.0? Its not the rappers fault if the kid goes and has sex its the PARENTS fault for not reinforicing what the rules are...(unless they allow them to have sex)
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
they don't talk about underage sex, but they talk about sex, and a lot of there audience are underage.

Still whether it be "underage" sex or just regular sex what's wrong with it. I'm sorry Scoobert but if you think sex is bad you really need to sit down for a while and actually think about life
In response to Koolguy900095
i never said they say a thing about underage sex, but promote it.
In response to ADDiCt
As long as a grown man aint havin sex with sum1 under 18 its perfectly fine...
In response to ADDiCt
You think underage sex isn't bad? Sheesh. I think you're the one who needs to sit down and think about life, mister.
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