In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
i never said they say a thing about underage sex, but promote it.

Please tell me how through MUSIC they don't say a thing about underage sex, yet still promote it.
In response to ADDiCt
i think that its ok, but its something that causes problems, like pregnecy.
In response to Mertek
If its bad why dont kids go to jail when they get a 13 yr old or whatever pregnant?
In response to Scoobert
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
You think underage sex isn't bad? Sheesh. I think you're the one who needs to sit down and think about life, mister.

Tell me what's so bad about "underage" sex? No really tell me. It's your choice, your body if your partner agrees and you agree then there is nothing bad about it.
In response to ADDiCt
They rap about sex a lot, a lot of there audince is under age, one again you get underage sex. Im not saying it again.
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:

Birth Control... as well
In response to Scoobert
once again we come to:
Its not the rappers fault if the kid goes and has sex its the PARENTS fault for not reinforicing what the rules are...(unless they allow them to have sex)....
In response to ADDiCt
Well, for one thing it's illegal, so that must tell you something. They have that law in place because they know that minors are less prone to use protection than an adult. Keep in mind that this is only my opinion.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
They rap about sex a lot, a lot of there audince is under age, one again you get underage sex. Im not saying it again.

Ok, you see on the music labels of them it has a perental advisory sticker. If your not ready to be smart about the music when you listening enough to do whats ever on the album..don't listen to it. So how are they suppose to prevent people under age 18 to not listen to the music? So how are they really sending a message about "underage" sex if their audience is suppose to be-of-age?
In response to Koolguy900095
How do the parents know? Most of the time they dont, just like with drugs. And what about STD?
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
Well, for one thing it's illegal, so that must tell you something. They have that law in place because they know that minors are less prone to use protection than an adult. Keep in mind that this is only my opinion.

Less prone?! Ok, yeah right. Less prone. If kids have sex they know their parents would whoop the s*** out of them if the girl ever got pregenent! You need to actually start using fact facts instead of your opinion facts
In response to ADDiCt
MTV, BET, kazaa, friends over 18...any more i should add?
In response to ADDiCt
It was on TV when his mother came forward and told the country about what he really was. My Emenem fan friends even said hes a fake, but they still like the music. During an interview, with I think it was 20/20 he said 8 mile wasn't really all that true. I didn't look it up since I don't care about him.

But you see, hes just about the only rapper that raps about bad lifestyle, all the others rap about bling bling'n and gettin tha chicks.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
How do the parents know? Most of the time they dont, just like with drugs. And what about STD?

How many times do we have to say it? Protection. Condoms..Birth Control, use it. If you use protection correctly you will not get STDs
In response to Scoobert
Their parents could block those channels...Prevent searching for music unless they are there...Need i say more?
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
It was on TV when his mother came forward and told the country about what he really was. My Emenem fan friends even said hes a fake, but they still like the music. During an interview, with I think it was 20/20 he said 8 mile wasn't really all that true. I didn't look it up since I don't care about him.

But you see, hes just about the only rapper that raps about bad lifestyle, all the others rap about bling bling'n and gettin tha chicks.

Just about? Ok, somebody needs to do some researching..
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
MTV, BET, kazaa, friends over 18...any more i should add?

And you just turn off the TV or press Cancel on Kazza if you arn't ready to take the responsiblilty to listen to the music
In response to ADDiCt
They tend to forget or not care, it is true, older people are more mechure, so they know that getting a woman pregenate or getting pregenate (if they are a woman) is a very hard thing to deal with and a very big thing. Just like kids who start to smoke at a young age oftin times say they wish they could go back in time and kick there butts for starting, because they grew up realize that it was a bad thing, and they were not very smart for starting in the first place.
In response to ADDiCt
That is not true, read a package of condoms, it states right on the box that it will not always protect from std's
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