In response to ADDiCt
But will they, no.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
They tend to forget or not care, it is true

No, this is totally not true because I'm always hearing kids saying their parents would so kill them if they ever got somebody pregent or got pregent.
In response to Scoobert
Then buy the comdom that says it protects from STD's
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
That is not true, read a package of condoms, it states right on the box that it will not always protect from std's

When I said protection, I clearly stated Condoms and Birth Control.
In response to Koolguy900095
none do, there is almost no way to compleatly protect from STD's, non will say they 100 protect from STDs. Now im not replying on underage sex again, the facts have been stated, end of story.
In response to Scoobert
then dont reply just sit there all alone....and who cares if comdoms dont prevent it 100% of the time 70% is good enough as long as you got a chance to not get it, BE HAPPY!
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
none do, there is almost no way to compleatly protect from STD's, non will say they 100 protect from STDs. Now im not replying on underage sex again, the facts have been stated, end of story.

You stated no facts about "underage" sex. Birth Control I think had 99.9% protection from STDs, plus a condom which is around 70% is pretty good odds..
In response to ADDiCt
You just had to say something stupid that makes me reply didnt you, birthcontrol doesnt protect agenst STD's, its a freaken pill, it keeps weman from getting pregnant, not STD's, please learn your facts before posting, end of story, no more posts, nomater how stupid your reply is.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
You just had to say something stupid that makes me reply didnt you, birthcontrol doesnt protect agenst STD's, its a freaken pill, it keeps weman from getting pregnant, not STD's, please learn your facts before posting, end of story, no more posts, nomater how stupid your reply is.

Whoops! You right sorry about the mis-print but you have to go off and call me stupid for a typo? That shows some majory immaturity on your part.
In response to ADDiCt
Alright guys, lets go back to 8th grade and relearn our morals:

Premarital Sex = Bad, threatening to your entire life considering condoms arn't 100% effective making it very risky towards having a baby while your still in high school, and if your girlfriend/boyfriend has been "elseware", which he/she will probably never tell you, you can get a great number of STDs

Pimping = Illegal and cruel (pimps usually give their prostitutes the idea of being cared for, when it's exactly the opposite. They also are constantly putting their prostitutes lives in danger.)

Prostitution = Dangerous, what if your client doesn't want to pay and they obviously don't care if you live or die? Chances are, as well, that you will get tons of STDs in no time at all.

Drugs = Illegal to sell/make/do, and take years off your life quickly, if not right away.
In response to ADDiCt
Yeah, my other persona thinks that all your personas are stupid. What am I gonna do, though? That's just a persona.

What exactly are you trying to say here? Eminem sings glib, gleeful lyrics about murdering people close to him... and it's okay because it's just a persona he adopted?
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Pimping = Illegal and cruel (pimps usually give their prostitutes the idea of being cared for, when it's exactly the opposite. They also are constintly putting their prostitutes lives in danger.)

Drugs = Illegal to sell/make/do, and take years off your life quickly, if not right away.

Umm...its not Illegal to smoke so how it it Illegal to do drugs? Its not Illegal to take is it Illegal? If your tying to state a fact please define it properly....

There is two version of a pimp one is what you said the other is goin out wit aton a girls but dumpin em after a week or so...So how is Pimping Illegal?
In response to Koolguy900095
Ok, now, when I say drugs, I mean the BAD drugs, and everyone knows that so I don't need to properly state it because it's not needed to properly state.

And what the hell? No, there is only one type of pimp and that is the kind that pimps prostitutes. A player is what you are thinking of, and anyone that thinks pimping is going out with a bunch of girls then dumping them quickly needs to stop listening to nonsense talking, wannabes at school who say they are pimps because they think pimps are "cool", and then go out with alot of girls, thus making them think their pimps when they are just players. Pimping is illegal, because prostitution is illegal.
In response to Kunark
I didnt know you meant BAD drugs...cuz any drug can get you addicted if you take it to much and kill you...therefore any drug can be bad and good at the same time...
In response to Koolguy900095
Ya so many people die from tums
wrongo, falso and further more untruo. Talking about something you dont even know about.
In response to Scoobert
Tums arent a drug mr scoobert.
In response to ADDiCt
Neither of which are 100% effective.
In response to Jotdaniel
There over the counter drugs, just like Tylenol and aspirin. They are drugs because they cure an illment, that is what drugs do, except some illegal ones.
In response to Scoobert
sometimes in operations doctors use COCAINE to calm the persons nerves down or sumthing...
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