For some weird reason this code:

usr << browse_rsc("Agna.PNG,Agna")
usr << browse_rsc("Syan.PNG,Syan")
usr << browse_rsc("Trog.PNG,Trog")
usr << browse_rsc("Jiddi.PNG,Jiddi")
usr << browse("<body bgcolor = black><center><font size = 10><font color = red>Races</font></font> <p><img src=Agna.PNG><br><font color = blue>Agna <p><img src=Syan.PNG><br>Syan <p><img src=Jiddi.PNG><br>Jiddi <p><img src=Trog.PNG><br>Trog</font>")

Doesnt work...I really need some help on this, thank you SOO much in advance!
Move this code problems or Newbie Central.
You have your syntax set up incorrectly. browse_rsc takes 2 arguements an icon and name. The name is in "" not the icon reference (can be a /icon or atom.icon I believe.)
In response to Exadv1
Exadv is correct. Just thought I'd post the corrected code to clarify a little:

<code>usr << browse_rsc('Agna.PNG') usr << browse_rsc('Syan.PNG') usr << browse_rsc('Trog.PNG') usr << browse_rsc('Jiddi.PNG')</code>

A lot of the time you don't need the second argument, which is why I've omitted it.
In response to Crispy
now i got another broswer question :p how do you get rid of whats in the browser do i just put usr << browse("")
In response to Koolguy900095
<code>usr << browse(null)</code>