1. How do I get it so the host don't get told errors like the one shown in number 2
2. How come when I use for(M in world) in a verb or proc or anything, I always get something like this:
runtime error: undefined variable /area/var/isperson
proc name: Who (/mob/commands/verb/Who)
usr: MartialArtistAbu the Ham-Ham (/mob)
src: MartialArtistAbu the Ham-Ham (/mob)
call stack:
MartialArtistAbu the Ham-Ham (/mob): Who()
Jan 14 2003, 11:16 am
Jan 14 2003, 11:23 am
post the who verb, at a guess I presume that you have not defined the Var isperson. Or maybe you spelt if with caps?
In response to Maz
oh I defined it..
Who() set category = "Chat Commands" for(M in world) if(M:isperson == 1) usr << "[M:name]([M:ham]'s Ham) Key: [M:key]" else and of course I have another DM that defines all the variables atom/movable var fInitial fBattle fMax eInitial eBattle eMax turf iiname iname fusedname move fused fusedwith password iicon gm abu loggedin place M bed isperson cicon cicon1 cname ciconstate sky enter saveicon creation enter2 file title titleB commentsB loca UsedEvil status RPname ham messaged Seeds heck maxHP HP pk dietimes eating accept haveham initialHP mute rank wait pkroom words hasplayer energy fun room bladder hunger comfort social neat nice outgoing active playful like crush dislike genderrr lazy hwahwa hwa description ball ballwho tagg tagwho tag2 reason whyrea sorry MP initialMP maxMP blahicon blahstate q w e host str def exp expnext level havetele haveinstele and I get that runtime error when I tried for(M in world) with something else, also |
In response to MartialArtistAbu
You never defined M as a mob, or even an atom/movable. Thus, DM doesn't know isperson is a valid var for it.
Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
yes it is, look in the var list.. M is there.. that what ya mean?
In response to MartialArtistAbu
MartialArtistAbu wrote:
yes it is, look in the var list.. M is there.. that what ya mean? I said you didn't define M as anything; it's just a var with no type whatsoever. DM doesn't know it's supposed to be a mob, or at least an atom/movable, because you didn't define it as one. Furthermore, why is this an atom var and not a local var defined right within the proc as var/mob/M? Given the preponderance of vars you've given to atom/movable, it looks to me as if you're defining all your vars on a per-object basis, not locally when it's appropriate. Lummox JR |