I'm watching a Jackie Chan movie thats on The Super Station. It's about racing and stuff. They use like California people for the voices. It sounds retarded. Why couldn't they use subtitles instead of these horrible voices...Then they have this black dude doing a voice for a skinny chinese kid, lol.
Branks wrote:
I'm watching a Jackie Chan movie thats on The Super Station. It's about racing and stuff. They use like California people for the voices. It sounds retarded. Why couldn't they use subtitles instead of these horrible voices...Then they have this black dude doing a voice for a skinny chinese kid, lol.

Bad dubbing is a hallmark of Jackie Chan's movies (except his most recent ones), even when all the characters are speaking English.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
He can atcually speak english now.
In response to Jotdaniel
Not really. I watched "the Tuxedo" and he said "Somboday call da ambulans" It's funny.
"I am wery wery popular" - Jackie Chan

LOL! He needs to learn English. He's cool though.
In response to Sariat
Hey I thought shang high noon was a gret movie. I watched it 3 times and then played all the games on the dvd. I've never seen a dubbed movie of him though so I can't comment on those. :(
In response to Unowuero
John wayne.
In response to Sariat
Thats an ascent, not just like i say yall, lol yall.