Good on you! Don't deny people of different ethnicities the right to be stupid selfish racist idiots!
Actually, the bonobo chimp has 98.5% of it's DNA in commen with ours, and is the closest thing to human anywhere.
-Big, sporty people that think their 'better' then me just coz I come up to their stomach.
-People that think they can push me around because of the fact that I come up to their stomach -People that resent me because I fnish tests in 1/4 of the time it takes them. |
ill dictate rudeness when its coming from my own lips when its on subjects that are fully open to opinion..
what Im saying is that all these words, dependant on how its said. NOT BY WHO SAYS IT. is what rudeness depends on. |
stop using that word. why must you harp on me, or anyone? try being nice for a change you'll be surprised at how many of those 'jerks' start treating you better.
I dont backpedal you serpent, i adapt and correct myself and use that information in the future. but i guess bettering yourself BY accepting that your wrong isnt something YOU'RE familiar with. ----------------------------------------------- SERPENT 1. A reptile of the order Serpentes; a snake. often Serpent 2. In the Bible, a) the creature that tempted Eve. b) Satan. 3. A subtle, sly, or treacherous person. Number 3 works.. |
I dont think people SHOULD have the rights to be that way.
Allowing people to act like that effectively counters much of the rights their victims have. |
I'd have to agree that people who kill each other because they kill each other really annoy me. No-one has the right to judge whether someone has the right to live. One of the main parts of the Human Rights act is the right to live.
Some countries don't comply with human rights, but countries that do and then still take peoples lives is just wrong. Just reading that over, none of it makes sense, but I know what I mean. |
Scoobert wrote:
same here but to put value of one animal over another is supposta be wrong. I don't know who told you that's supposed to be wrong, but that person was either making a rarefied academic argument that has little use in the real world, or was just a raving numbskull. In fact, the ability to make value judgments that aren't based on instinct -- or in other words, the ability to reason -- is one of the main things that separates us from the animals. So should we judge 'em? Hell yes! And I judge cows to be milktastic and burgerrific. |
One would make the argument that Prisons are too overcrowded and funding is growing sparse.
Build a Prison Facility where inmates produce their OWN food build their own furniture, and do almost all the work required to keeping their own comfort (as a whole) at an acceptable level. Cuts funding considerably.. leave survival up to them. |
what Im saying is that all these words, dependant on how its said. NOT BY WHO SAYS IT. is what rudeness depends on. I guess when you say, "what Im saying," you mean that's what you're saying now, at the exact moment when you posted this message... because that sure as hell isn't what you said before. What you said before was, in no uncertain terms, that "queer" was the appropriate term to apply to homosexual males, over and above "gay" and "homosexual." If this is what you're saying now, that's great... just don't pretend that's what you said or meant before. |
Simpsons. The word that was focused upon that was politically correct was queer.
-added- And you CANT argue with the Simpsons. |
You're still backpedaling... instead of acknowledging anything that I said, you've simply posted an irrelevant one-two punch: one, insulting me, and two, castigating me for insulting others.
If you don't want to be harped on, I suggest you do the following: 1) Stop using your random, made-up stray thoughts as "facts". 2) When someone corrects you, acknowledge the correction instead of dodging it by claiming you meant something that, in the context, you obviously didn't. 3) Do not declare the burden of proof to always be on the other party, and when presented with proof, acknowledge it, instead of loudly declaring that you yourself are the only one who has presented proof. 4) Give a slight consideration to occassionally presenting proof yourself. 5) When someone rightly calls you for dodging an issue or backpedaling, wait at least a day before you turn around and declare that it's everyone else who is doing this. For the record, I don't recall ever calling anyone a "jerk" or complaining about how they treat me. Why would I care how you treat me? All I care about is getting you to stop spewing absolute garbage like its commandments from on high. It's an affront to actual knowledge, and worse, it has the risk of doing serious damage to anyone caught in your spray who doesn't know any better. For example: teaching a crowd of mostly 10 and 12 year olds that gay people love being called "queer" is a twofold injury waiting to happen. Honestly, Dareb... you're not gay. From the way you talk about us, you obviously don't know many gays, or any gay people very well. I won't ask if you've studied the subject as part of a sociology course, because I know your thoughts on schooling, and I won't ask if you've read up on the subject, because I know your thoughts on book learning. So, lacking both real life experience and academic knowledge, what exactly possessed you that you thought you were qualified to make a statement like that? Seriously, what was your thought process there? I'm not saying this to belittle you... I'm just trying to get you to examine your own thought process a little so you don't keep making this same mistake again and again, of posting random thoughts on subjects you have little knowledge of, and assuming that they're correct. Dareb, I am sure there are subjects on which you know something. There are probably some things that you actually know really well. I wouldn't be surprised if there are areas of study in which your knowledge exceeds mine. But no one... and I mean no one... will ever know this, as long as you persist in spouting off about race relations, gay and lesbians, copyright law, Wiccans, psychic powers, physics, theology, and Dareb alone knows how many other subjects on which whatever actual facts you know are obscured by the stream of unconsciousness you've adoped as unquestionable fact. Dareb, this might come as a crushing blow, but you don't know everything about everything. You know some things about some things. You've been trying to pretend that you know everything about everything for so long, though, that all you do is spout nonsense and whatever you do know is deeply hidden. I know that you've been pretending for so long that it's hard to let go of the front, but seriously... let go of it. If* you actually have a child on the way, then you owe it to yourself and the child to start growing up now. Take a little while. Figure out what you actually know. I'm sure you'll feel diminished, initially, but what you're getting rid of is just what I said: garbage. Dead weight, cluttering up your brain. The sooner you let go of it, the sooner you can get on with actually learning things. *I say if, because what are we who've known you on BYOND for a long time supposed to believe from you now? I'd like to believe you, but you've also claimed that your "Wiccan" uncle achieved immortality by eating spiders, that you absorb the souls of the dead, and that you yourself are God... you've also claimed at various times to be 29, 21, and in high school... really, what are we supposed to believe about you? If you do have a kid on the way, then congratulations, but please, grow up. |
If you're talking about the collectibles store guy, that was the word that his one character preferred, and he added something like "It's also okay to just call us people."
Seriously, Dareb... when you read my really long post, mentally append something castigating you for using a casual remark from a single episode of Simpsons as the foundation for your authoritative position. |
Two problems:
One, the space currently alocated to prisons would go from woefully inadequate to catastrophically inadequate. Two, this means prisoners would either be furnished with or allowed to possess a wide variety of sharp and blunt instruments. There's never going to be an easy solution to prison overcrowding, because there's never going to be an easy solution to crime. |
For Dareb's sake, Dareb... when you're caught being wrong, just be wrong. But since you insist on backpedaling... you're still wrong. The idea that "queer" is more universally "appropriate" (in the sense of being the least offensive and insulting) compared to gay and homosexual is equally off base.
Some of us insist on the term gay... it's definitely the most "harmless" term, being derived from an extremely positive word. Some people dislike it, though, precisely because it is so harmless, so "fluffy"... it's a word about stereotypes. Gay, i.e., happy, i.e. super perky/cheerful.
Some people insist on the word "homosexual", as being, at the very least, the most accurate word, and definitely very gender-inclusive. Some of us prefer it to be avoided as it's got a very old stigma attached to it... "gay" and "queer" were never listed as mental illnesses.
Some people prefer the word "queer", not because it's appropriate or inoffensive, but because it alone of these three terms was originally used not as a dispassionate description, not as a jolly euphemism, but as an insult. That's why this one tends to turn up at pride marches and among the radical "punk" elements and so on... kind of like the way rappers and others of a certain ethnic background have taken another insulting epithet and "made it their own." Just like that word, though, it's still widely (mostly depending on context) considered an insult, and still hurts when carelessly thrown around... Dareb, when you get out into the big, wide world, I would advise you to be extremely careful with how you bandy it about. There's plenty of "queers" out there that wouldn't hesitate to beat you into a tiny little Dareb-shaped stain on the sidewalk if they thought you were insulting them.
To quote the GLAAD media guide:
"Queer -
Traditionally a pejorative term for non-heterosexuals, this has been appropriated by some lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to describe themselves. Some value the term for its defiance and because it is inclusive - not only of lesbians and gay men but also of bisexuals and transgender people as well. Nevertheless, it is not universally accepted within our community, and if used by a non-LGBT person, it is still considered derogatory. It is advised that media avoid it, unless quoting someone who self-identifies that way. "
GLAAD advocates the use of "gay" as a general term, "gay men" for males, and "lesbians" for females, but notes that it's always best to use the terms that people choose to apply to themselves. A growing trend, particularly among black members of the community, is to eschew the traditional terminology entirely in favor of apt but unwieldy titles like "men loving men" and "women loving women."