Lesbian Assassin wrote:
I don't care if you bring stuff up... just stop making stuff up.

(ive already stated that I dont make things up.. this is a play with words but an obvious insult directed at me. Im sorry your unable to see it, perhaps Im just quicker on the uptake)

Dareb wrote:
I dont make things up, I get information from other sources which arent completely reliable.

Usually, when I say things, they are collected ideas or (facts) amongst whole groups of people around where I live.

Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Well, at least you're admitting that your "facts" are nothing more than "something me and my friends came up with"... but amazingly enough, in the midst of this admission, you're still avoiding the issue.

In this case, when I told you to stop making stuff up, it was as opposed to bringing stuff up... that is, when you offered to stop bringing up the past, I was countering by saying you weren't bringing up the past at all, you were making it up... obviously referring to your casting the incident with the knife icons in the same light as outright piracy. So, exactly which one of your neighbors or acquaintances put you up to this one?

thats awefully condescending. which, last time i checked, classified as an insult. Again, sorry you cant see this. Amazing how awefully perceptive you are when it comes to what "I" say. but when its your partners or friends.. you act like it never happened. Cant stay blind forever....

People taking condescending tones, or writing in a condescending manner grates on my mind, whether its directed at me or someone near me.. nobody anywhere ,ever deserves this retarded display of false superiority.

Lesbian Assassin, you are no better than me. or anyone else on this forum.
Please delete me. Dareb, please stop. I personally could care less. I'm sure a majority of this community feels the same. I'm sick and tired of hearing about this. And what the heck does Spuzzum have to do with anything you stated?

(ive already stated that I dont make things up.. this is a play with words but an obvious insult directed at me. Im sorry your unable to see it, perhaps Im just quicker on the uptake)

Or perhaps no one cares.
You need to stop dwelling on this, otherwise it is going to drive you crazy. Lexy isn't going to change, nor is anyone else on the forums so it's best to just move on, really. Have you ever met anyone in life that is rude to you and don't like you, then after you complain to their face, they say "I am sorry, I did not know I was such a rude person. I shall now change for the better for the rest of my life."

It's sorta the same thing with Lexy, she isn't going to do anything, because what your interpreting as her being rude to you, is just how she is to certain people.
In response to Kunark
I'm still confused as to why this topic says Spuzzum, when it clearly was an open conversation!

Odds are, this thread needs to be closed (and or deleted) for similar reasons as the last related thread that got out of hand. It's just wasting space.
In response to digitalmouse
Wether you have some personal vendeta with Lesbian Assassin or not is NO concern of the forums. If you want to reach a person, e-mail them or use other means of communications, do NOT use the forums for 1 on 1 conversation like this. Forums are for reaching an audience of multiple people, not for some weak attempt at public humiliation.

If you continue with this line of posts I will go to harsher means. You have been here more than long enough(on both sides) to know exactly what the Community Standard's entail, and you won't get any leeway there.

Thank you,
Dareb wrote:
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Well, at least you're admitting that your "facts" are nothing more than "something me and my friends came up with"... but amazingly enough, in the midst of this admission, you're still avoiding the issue.

In this case, when I told you to stop making stuff up, it was as opposed to bringing stuff up... that is, when you offered to stop bringing up the past, I was countering by saying you weren't bringing up the past at all, you were making it up... obviously referring to your casting the incident with the knife icons in the same light as outright piracy. So, exactly which one of your neighbors or acquaintances put you up to this one?

thats awefully condescending. which, last time i checked, classified as an insult. Again, sorry you cant see this. Amazing how awefully perceptive you are when it comes to what "I" say. but when its your partners or friends.. you act like it never happened. <clap clap clap> Cant stay blind forever....

If you think that's condescending, you're using the word wrong. She's being factual and direct. Condescending is much like patronizing, or saying something that strongly implies some kind of social "place" in which the recipient is implied to have a lower one. This was simply a rebuke based on actual events, but a rebuke is not inherently condescending nor insulting by nature. (They can be.)

I think you go to great pains to classify things as insults that aren't, but when you're starting to get nasty toward people (as in the recent posts of the thread you quoted) you throw insults left and right and think this is somehow okay. I know you feel provoked, but what I've tried to tell you before is that you feel provoked because you want to. Lexy had no intention of insulting you and did no such thing, but she said what she did so that you wouldn't just go papering over something serious; you were practicing revisionism and she had something to say about that.

People taking condescending tones, or writing in a condescending manner grates on my mind, whether its directed at me or someone near me.. nobody anywhere ,ever deserves this retarded display of false superiority.

I wouldn't quite step to that. Sometimes people do deserve condescension, when superiority isn't false and the lesser of the two is doing something inane. I'm not saying that's the case now, but rather that as an absolute I don't think this flies.

I also think you make a grave mistake in chucking all condescension under the umbrella of "insulting". Sometimes this is a restrained way of telling someone who's gone irrational that you're losing patience with them, for example. (Again, I don't mean to apply that to this situation--but I have seen some where it does apply, which is why I use the example.)

Lesbian Assassin, you are no better than me. or anyone else on this forum.

I think that's a stretch; you're taking an egalitarian ideal way too far. She's certainly better than some, like Lucas Gates for example. If if we stipulate that the majority of users should treat each other as equals in all things, there are some (by whom I don't mean you) who don't deserve even that.

But beyond that, I think we can acknowledge that in some matters people are better than others. Leftley is a better idea man than I am. Lexy is better than probably anyone here at adapting old (and new) game concepts to BYOND, but definitely worse than some at finishing them. I'm in the top 10% of programmers here, though I couldn't easily say where in that group I would rank because it's stuffed with talent. And these are basically ordinary differences between people, where everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

When it comes down to specifics, Lexy has consistently proven herself better than you on two matters in particular: In the matter of holding her temper, and in knowledge of copyright law. And I think it's perfectly fair to say--not as an insult, mind you, but as a place where you could use some polishing--that you rate below average on both of those counts. It's easy to take that as a put-down, but what I hope is that you'll take it as a challenge instead, as something you can try to improve.

Lummox JR