icon = 'Mobs.dmi'
icon_state = "shop"
set src in oview(1)
set category = "Social"
alert("Hello, welcome to Clothes Mart!")
switch(input("What style of clothes would you like to buy?","Shoppie",text) in list ("Shirt", "No thanks"))
usr << "Choose the color of your shirt,"
usr.overlays+= 'Shirt.dmi'
var/icon/I = new('Shirt.dmi')
var/new_rgb = F_Color_Selector.Get_Color
var/old_rgb = rgb(255,255,255)
I.SwapColor (old_rgb,new_rgb)

And I get this error:
Variables and use of new_rgb precedes its definition

Any idea? BTW, I am using Flick's color library.
If F_Color_Selector.Get_Color is a proc, you need to add parentheses () to the end of it:

In response to Crispy
Well, I tried that and it compiled fine, but when I talked to the shop keeper, I got this Runtime error:

runtime error: Cannot execute null.Get Color().
proc name: Talk (/mob/Shoppie/verb/Talk)
usr: DUDE (/mob/Male)
src: Shoppie (/mob/Shoppie)
call stack:
Shoppie (/mob/Shoppie): Talk()

The game just overlayed the shirt without asking me the RGB's. Anyone else?
In response to Tiko587
Tiko587 wrote:
runtime error: Cannot execute null.Get Color().
proc name: Talk (/mob/Shoppie/verb/Talk)
usr: DUDE (/mob/Male)
src: Shoppie (/mob/Shoppie)
call stack:
Shoppie (/mob/Shoppie): Talk()
The only thing I can think of offhand is that you are overiding world/New() somewhere and not using ..() F_Color_Selector is created in world/New() by default, so if you don't use ..(), it won't get created.