My cousin started this project a little while ago, but he couldn't figure out how to access a folder of another user.
It was a file sharing program. It acceses a folder called My Shared folder, placed within the game folder, at Login() and adds the files to a list. the problem was it only added files from the host's My Shared folder. How would I add the files in the My Shared folder of the person who logs on rather than the host's?

I use flist() to access the host's but i cant access other user's My Shared Folder
Here is my experience from an abandoned system I tried ot use once, and the problems I had with it:

I made it so you could take files from the host's server...

But as far as I could see, after lots and lots of searching as well, I couldn't make it access files from the client that was logged in.

I don't think there is a way to do this, for if there was you would see games out there with savefiles stored on the player's side instead of the hosts side. This would be very, very useful AS LONG as it made it so you had to confirm that the host may access that file. The reason, I'm sure, Dantom doesn't allow this is for security reasons.
In response to Kunark
Anything wrong with a verb like this:

<code>mob/verb/SendFile(mob/M as mob, file as null|file) M << file</code>

In response to Triste
Triste wrote:
Anything wrong with a verb like this:

<code>mob/verb/SendFile(mob/M as mob, file as null|file) > M << file</code>

i believe it should be
mob/verb/SendFile(mob/M as mob, file as null|file)
M << ftp(file)

but thats not what im looking for
In response to Weedman
There is no way to access player's side files:

When you put lets say ftp(), and then a file path, it will always look for that file on the host's computer. In order for it to happen with the player, it would have to be something like this:


and with that you could put this:

world.Host << ftp("C://Blah/blah/blah.wav",usr)

that would send blah.wav to the world's host FROM usr's computer.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
There is no way to access player's side files:

When you put lets say ftp(), and then a file path, it will always look for that file on the host's computer. In order for it to happen with the player, it would have to be something like this:


I am a bit confused here beacause the format of the ftp() proc is <code>O << ftp(File,Name)</code>

In response to Weedman
Weedman wrote:
Kunark wrote:
There is no way to access player's side files:

When you put lets say ftp(), and then a file path, it will always look for that file on the host's computer. In order for it to happen with the player, it would have to be something like this:


I am a bit confused here beacause the format of the ftp() proc is <code>O << ftp(File,Name)</code>

I didn't include name into it, but that was only an example.