Nadrew said: Take it to the Chatters forum. Since this is a Community issue, and people rarely visit the Chatters forum, I will resurrect this thread to provide my response.
As proprietor and temporary owner of the Chatters source, I say this:
After reviewing the conversation posted in the earlier (now closed) thread, it appears that while Dracimor was playing around, it certainly got out of hand - especially with the subsequent 'double-muting' (not actually possible) by Nadrew, which clearly was done out of some level of spite.
Chatters OPs are meant to 'keep the peace', meaning: to prevent abusive spammers, prevent or tone down excessive (and often uneccesary) foul language, and to prevent people from abusing unfixed program bugs.
The current generally understood policy is to provide 2-3 warnings to an offender, then ban the individual from the system. *Very* rarely are second chances given. If you cannot learn what is acceptable behaviour (as stated above by what the OP duties are), why should you be allowed back in to continue the offense?
OPs are not there to pre-judge, discriminate, or 'play-mute' people. Nor are they meant to use their powers to retaliate against other chatters for wrongs directed to them. Even I am a little guilty of this, and intend to set a better example immediately. It is clear that there are too many 'chiefs' and not enough 'indians' in the Chatters community.
Since both Dracimor *and* Nadrew have been known to stretch their authority in the past, even in jest (and certainly Dracimor remembers being called on this behaviour more than once), I hereby revoke OP rights for Dracimor (I believe Nadrew may have already done this) and demote Nadrew to a more controllable position. They might have such rights re-instated in the future, when it is proven that they can be more adept in their responsibilties. Xooxer may very well over-ride my decision.
Xooxer has made an excellent chat program, and I have no intention of letting it boil down to nothing more than an 'OPs Club'.
For future reference: The Lounge is nothing more than a starting place for entry into Chatters. If you really feel the need to spam, be vulgar and abusive to people, then feel free to make a room in Chatters to do that in. Doing so in the Lounge will just result in getting someone in trouble.
Chatters is meant to be a chat system for the community - not a 'members only club'.