My friend gave me this site, i find it reather intresting...and weird
![]() Feb 8 2003, 8:00 am
Alathon wrote:
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. is that real?... |
I have the following:
Atomosophobia Aviophobia Autophobia Achluophobia Agliophobia Caligynephobia Catagelophobia Demophobia Eisoptrophobia Enetophobia Gynephobia Helminthophobia Heterophobia Hypsiphobia Mastigophobia Ochlophobia Ommetaphobia Parasitophobia (The ones in bold are a definate!) And we all know that Sariat has Ithyphallophobia.... j/k, j/k |
On The Phobia List, I only use names that appear in a reference book
Thats what it says in one of the pages. And it gives an explanation of how these names were given. Personally I really hate it when penutbutter does that, but im not really scared of it, just carefull while eating. |
SSChicken wrote:
Personally I really hate it when penutbutter does that, but im not really scared of it, just carefull while eating. A phobia isn't only a fear of something. It can mean a strong disliking, also. ~>Volte |
Mine are:
Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. <s>Byondnophobia</s>- Fear of byond. |
Hah, nice site.
My list. Germanophobia *Digital Mouse scares me* Apeirophobia *I am always afraid of getting infinate loops in programming.* Gamophobia *I love my freedom!* Us guys can all agree on this one Menophobia *I make sure to be out of range of my girl and other female friends during this period.. AAH! PERIOD!!* Numerophobia *Could explain my urge to skip math class* Syngenesophobia *If you met my aunts you would be too* And one that is not on the site DubbyaPhobia - The fear of George Bush running the country. ..Oh wait, thats not a phobia, that would be reasonable wouldn't it? -=Ken=- |
What type of spiders?I hate taranculas.The little skinney legged ones don't scare me.The fangs and hairy bodys and long 8 legs scares me.
Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease.
Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions.
Anglophobia- Fear of England, English culture, etc.
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things.
Atomosophobia - Fear of atomic explosions.
Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks.
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness.
Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women.
Coprophobia- Fear of feces.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.
Theologicophobia- Fear of theology.
And that's as far as I got before I thought that if I were to include all the funny ones, this page would be very, very long. Go see yourself =)