In my game i kinda have a verb that makes a mob then puts it where the barracks are...but for some reaon if they is two barracks or more it creates one for each barrack. How could i edit this code so it only get created in one of the barracks location not both:

                    for(var/mob/units/buildings/Barracks/M in world)
if(M.owner == src)
var/mob/units/soldiers/Digger/T = new(M.loc)
T:owner = usr
T:team =

Koolguy900095 wrote:
In my game i kinda have a verb that makes a mob then puts it where the barracks are...but for some reaon if they is two barracks or more it creates one for each barrack. How could i edit this code so it only get created in one of the barracks location not both:

                    for(var/mob/units/buildings/Barracks/M in world)
> if(M.owner == src)
> var/mob/units/soldiers/Digger/T = new(M.loc)
> T:owner = usr
> T:team =


Try putting a break right below T:team = Another thing, I'm pretty sure that you should use '.' in this case, not colon.

In response to Volte
works alright for me...why change it?
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
works alright for me...why change it?

Stability and compatability reasons, mostly. (I think.)

From looking at just that bit of code, it looks like you're using usr in a case where src should be used. Replace usr with src in that snippet, unless you have a good reason for using usr that I don't know about. =)

T:owner = usr
T:team =

Argh! Use the . operator, not the : operator! You should always use . unless you have a good reason not to.

In answer to your actual question, put the <code>break</code> command after the <code> =</code> line.
In response to Volte
k, any ideas of how i can make this only goto one barracks and not multiple?
In response to Crispy
You looked at my post and stole my text! I'm telling Dantom! :]

In response to Koolguy900095
I just hate it when I miss three posts while typing my own post ([link]). =P
In response to Volte
I gave him a more comprehensive answer. =P
In response to Crispy
i changed all the :'s to .'s and the code works with the break, thanks!