Is there anyway to get rid of a key? For example, you've got a key that someone really wants and that you don't use any longer and you want to get rid of it so he/she can take it have more than one key and you are really bugged by it and you want to delete it...or...(and this one I see on the forums a lot) are "leaving" BYOND and you want to erase any and all trace that you ever existed. So, can it be done?

Das Falke
Change your e-mail address and scramble your password. You'll have to change your e-mail address because if you don't, you'll be able to get your key back through the locksmith.

If you want to give it to someone else, just give them the password.
In response to Foomer
Change your e-mail address and scramble your password. You'll have to change your e-mail address because if you don't, you'll be able to get your key back through the locksmith.

Why does this strike me as speaking from experience? =)
In response to Spuzzum
I sell keys and steal them back, so does Foomer..I mean, only Foomer does...::runs::