Foomer wrote:
Leftley wrote:
It's pretty easy to whip up, actually (I should know--I've built that demo from scratch 5 or 6 times now).
Yeah? So lets see some links.
Fix my computer for me and I'll upload the better ones.
As it turns out, I do have a copy on this machine of the project Tom saw. Bear in mind, it's over a year old and, all things considered, rather crappy. Unless you have a very fast computer, you'll be able to see why I don't recommend using a full-sized 10x10 viewport; for one thing, that's absurdly big for the purpose of this view (this demo in particular simply being a short-range view with no sprites), and for another, it does lag pretty noticeably (when the demo was first made, BYOND handled the screen objects such that you could watch the screen as it updated, creating a minor flicker effect when redrawing. Now [under 334, at least] it seems to work by waiting until it's ready to draw everything, then updating it all at once.) It's also not particularly feature-full, and, um, quick warning--I did make it using .bmps for the wall graphics (it's not my fault, I was young and foolish!), so the download is rather inflated.
Not having any major open projects, and it being rather overdue for me to clean this concept up and get it into a library form, I think I'll get to work tomorrow on creating a more advanced version.
Great work. I'd love to see what you could do with it now. I'd also love to see it open source. ;]
Fix my computer for me and I'll upload the better ones.
As it turns out, I do have a copy on this machine of the project Tom saw. Bear in mind, it's over a year old and, all things considered, rather crappy. Unless you have a very fast computer, you'll be able to see why I don't recommend using a full-sized 10x10 viewport; for one thing, that's absurdly big for the purpose of this view (this demo in particular simply being a short-range view with no sprites), and for another, it does lag pretty noticeably (when the demo was first made, BYOND handled the screen objects such that you could watch the screen as it updated, creating a minor flicker effect when redrawing. Now [under 334, at least] it seems to work by waiting until it's ready to draw everything, then updating it all at once.) It's also not particularly feature-full, and, um, quick warning--I did make it using .bmps for the wall graphics (it's not my fault, I was young and foolish!), so the download is rather inflated.
Not having any major open projects, and it being rather overdue for me to clean this concept up and get it into a library form, I think I'll get to work tomorrow on creating a more advanced version.