Feb 17 2003, 9:09 am
does anyone know them since i would like to learn how to. i would make u a gm in it and co-owner since i would liek to do stuff on my own but this i cant do on my own
Feb 17 2003, 9:20 am
Now, who would want to be only a GM in a game they gave to somoene else? Or even a co-owner? They made it themselves, so couldn't they just keep it to themselves and be the owner?
In response to Garthor
Doomlance doesn't see to be the brightest bulb on the tree now does he? Why would you want 'Icon trading' code? Learn how to code DM and code it yourself if you want it soooo bad.
In response to Erdrickthegreat2
ummm....that was rude, he is a noob, you cant blame him for that. His mistake was pointed out to him, you dont have to rub it in.
In response to Scoobert
Now that i think of it, that was rude and most likely a forum rule infraction. I'm sorry doomlance and scoobert for that comment... I just see so much of this kinda question and it has pissed me off past boiling point.
In response to Erdrickthegreat2
Dont worry about it to much, we have all done it once or twice, just remember, i run on a 2 strikes your out policy **evil eye**
In response to Scoobert
Heh, I'l take that evil eye as a sexy glance, or will I? Anyway, I guess its understandable... I mean read the post =)
More icon trading ""games"" (quadruple quotes for extra emphasis on the dubious classification of icon traders as games) is the last thing BYOND needs. Make something that's actually fun to play!
In response to Erdrickthegreat2
i want to know how u do that change icon thing.. with icon state and i r all the icon trading codings the same?
In response to Doomlance
You'll find few people willing to help you make YET ANOTHER useless "icon trader".
so i cant learn how to do the icon trading stuff and im not talking about ur game guitar86 and how much is ur coding? sicne all i know is play song coding and i guess the bascis i could tell u the coding i know.
mob coding,turf coding,login coding,ban coding,spam protection coding,password coding,play song coding,gm coding, inventory coding,battle coding,lvling coding,random combat coding,spawner coding,turn coding. and i cant learn or cant get the coding from any of u guys then ill get my freind dixon which he get to be good in it |
In response to Erdrickthegreat2
Erdrickthegreat2 wrote:
Doomlance doesn't see to be the brightest bulb on the tree now does he? Why would you want 'Icon trading' code? Learn how to code DM and code it yourself if you want it soooo bad.i am not the brightest bulbd when comrs to coding and the only coding i dont know is send file besides changing ur icon stuff and thats all i know the rest |