I have a series of questions...
1.How do i make an icon where it makes my NORMAL health get higher only(not my maximum health)(ex. powering up or getting a potion item)
2.How do I make an icon on the screen that doesn't move when you move? (ex. its permanently there...it's hard to explain, but ike in M&M there is an "enrage" button that doesn't move)
3.How do I let a player transform into a monster using a transform icon i created and a walking monster form??
does it have something to do with a flick?
4.How do I make a player's icon move over a object with a density of 1?(ex. flying)[I already have an icon for it, i just don't have the coding]
5.How do I make a clickable button on my title screen?
6.How do I get an NPC to sell items?
7.Is there a way to create an event which the player doesn't do?(ex. when an NPC attacks you and talks to you with out me clicking him)
8.Instead of my turf, how do i get a player to do a command to train?(Like Garthur said b-4)
9.How do I get a Monster to attack me?
10.Is it recommended to doa 3-D game?
11.How do I make an attack that follows the enemy?
12.How do I make an attack option.....(I already have the icon for the job)
13.Yes or No question. For an NPC to talk should I just have
set src in oview(2)
alert("Hello there sir")
14.Final Question for today...I hope;In an ATOM, what is area? and is it important?
~~Thaknks for any help
Feb 19 2003, 4:07 pm
Feb 19 2003, 4:27 pm
UTTGOD...that is enoguh for today...
In response to SSChicken
hey, i still need to get them answered Chicken, LOL, u and me man all the way...(BYOND IRÉ)Ohh yeah
UTTGOD wrote:
I have a series of questions... Click() 6.How do I get an NPC to sell items? No 11.How do I make an attack that follows the enemy? No.. 14.Final Question for today...I hope;In an ATOM, what is area? and is it important? Err do you want us to code your entire game or somthing??.... |
In response to UTTGOD
Talk to me on Aim, I'll explain. Seriously, that was wayyy to many questions
In response to SSChicken
I'lll c if I can go on, Lemme ask, LOL
In response to Wanabe
no, just tell me where I can get useful coding....besides the "Blue Book"
In response to UTTGOD
by creating it. you don't just find "coding" or have it told to you. You create it to fit your needs.
Canar |
In response to Canar
lol, alrite
UTTGOD wrote:
I have a series of questions... proc/AddHealth(gain) 2.How do I make an icon on the screen that doesn't move when you move? (ex. its permanently there...it's hard to explain, but ike in M&M there is an "enrage" button that doesn't move) You need to learn about screen objects, also known as HUDs (heads-up displays). Look up the screen_loc var and client.screen. 3.How do I let a player transform into a monster using a transform icon i created and a walking monster form?? flick() will only change an icon for the duration of an animation. Change the icon or icon_state. 4.How do I make a player's icon move over a object with a density of 1?(ex. flying)[I already have an icon for it, i just don't have the coding] There are several ways to do this. turf 5.How do I make a clickable button on my title screen? Make the atom that displays it respond to Click(). 6.How do I get an NPC to sell items? Do some forum searches for more information on shops. This is too big a topic to cover quickly. 7.Is there a way to create an event which the player doesn't do?(ex. when an NPC attacks you and talks to you with out me clicking him) You can use New() and spawn() to begin an AI proc after a monster or NPC is created, that will check out the environment and figure out when players are nearby. 8.Instead of my turf, how do i get a player to do a command to train?(Like Garthur said b-4) "Train" is a vague term here; you need to be more specific in what you want. 9.How do I get a Monster to attack me? See #7. 10.Is it recommended to doa 3-D game? In BYOND it's not even possible. 11.How do I make an attack that follows the enemy? I think you mean a projectile (or magic effect) that follows the enemy. The missile() proc is a good place to start. 12.How do I make an attack option.....(I already have the icon for the job) Not sure what you mean here. Please clarify. 13.Yes or No question. For an NPC to talk should I just have Gads no. The alert() proc is obnoxious to use this way. Output to text instead: usr << "<B>[name]:</B> [desc]" 14.Final Question for today...I hope;In an ATOM, what is area? and is it important? An area is a type of atom. Atoms include areas, turf, objs, and mobs. Turfs are the basic unit of real estate in BYOND. Objs and mobs occupy turfs. Areas may contain any number of turfs, and they can be used for some high-level interaction like keeping someone out of a base. area/base Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
LummoxJr is the help god. Listen to his wisdom and go! Go code your game! :P
In response to Lummox JR
sorry for not answering in days, but i got a new key, thank you a lot...
~~Thunder Demon |
In response to SSChicken
You may think it is may to many questions, but he isn't the only benficiary of them. for the manu newer coders that troll the board, the questions he asked, and the answers lummox gave will help them to better understand the basic ins and outs of BYOND. FOr a newbie help forum, i think everyone is asking to few questions (I troll the boards when i'm bored, there is little action here, aside from one saying (don't ask, look three threads down). Anywho good luck on your game UTTGOD, and big thanx to Lummox Jr for his help.