I want to create an overlay for separate GM's as well as the players. When they are on the world map they are short characters, but when they enter places like towns, castles, dungeons etc. it changes the icon to a body and a head. I dont know exactly how to put it but basically i need a command that makes the users icon change into a multi tiled one when they enter towns.
Rii wrote:
basically i need a command that makes the users icon
change into a multi tiled one when they enter towns.

There are some tutorials, and even libraries on multi-tiled mobs.

In response to Volte
Ok Ill look for them
In response to Rii

first you would need your proc for the top part (tutorials) but then it would be something to the effect of:

verb()//doesn't have to be a verb... can be a proc
usr.loc=location (1,1,1)
usr.icon= 'iconcontainingseveredbody.dmi'
usr.overlays+=/obj/top // top will have an error unless your proc is intact.

i have been wrong before though so.. you don't have to regaurd this its your choice.
In response to Siefer
I understand where you are getting to. Thanks for the help