ID:176034 side must be an object variable

That is the error im recieving, here is the coding:

density = 0 //we can walk through the head.. we're looking at a diablo-style layout here
layer = 5 //the head will appear above everything else

obj/head/top //top (head) of the mob
movetimer // used to limit how quickly the player walks
if(world.time < movetimer) return
movetimer += 5 //short for movetimer = movetimer + 5
..() //carry on regularly

var/turf/T = locate(src.x,src.y + 1,src.z) //store the turf above the mob as a var
if(T) //if the turf exists
top.loc = T //then make the moving mob’s top’s loc the turf above it.
else //if the turf doesn’t exist
top.loc = null //don’t make the moving mob’s top’s loc anything

..() //do the regular New() behavior
top = new() //make the new top

top.icon = 'fighter.dmi'
icon_state = "head"
icon = 'fighter.dmi'
icon_state = "body"

How can I solve this error???
top.icon = 'fighter.dmi' //This will not work.
icon_state = "head"
icon = 'fighter.dmi'
icon_state = "body"

top.icon is meaningless the way you have it above. Everything in object definitions must be constant. However, you have your obj/head definition where you can set the icon properly:

density = 0 //we can walk through the head.. we're looking at a diablo-style layout here
layer = 5 //the head will appear above everything else
icon = 'fighter.dmi' //Here we go. This will work.

Alternatively, you could set top.icon in New() for your mobs.
..() //do the regular New() behavior
top = new() //make the new top
top.icon = 'fighter.dmi' //Perfectly legal. This could also be changed based on input from someone as well.
In response to tenkuu
Ok this is how my coding is looking now:

density = 0 //we can walk through the head.. we're looking at a diablo-style layout here
layer = 5 //the head will appear above everything else
icon = 'fighter.dmi' //Here we go. This will work.

obj/head/top //top (head) of the mob
movetimer // used to limit how quickly the player walks
if(world.time < movetimer) return
movetimer += 5 //short for movetimer = movetimer + 5
..() //carry on regularly

var/turf/T = locate(src.x,src.y + 1,src.z) //store the turf above the mob as a var
if(T) //if the turf exists
top.loc = T //then make the moving mob’s top’s loc the turf above it.
else //if the turf doesn’t exist
top.loc = null //don’t make the moving mob’s top’s loc anything

..() //do the regular New() behavior
top = new() //make the new top
top.icon = 'fighter.dmi' //Perfectly legal. This could also be changed based on input from someone as well.

top.icon = 'fighter.dmi'
icon_state = "head"
icon = 'fighter.dmi'
icon_state = "body"

But Im gettin a different error ( side must be an object variable)... why is it happening?
In response to Rii
Hold on one minute here. Try to get out of the habit of just pasting in some code to your game. I provide serveral ways to tackle the problem and you added both, but neglected to take out the problem stuff. Though, I suppose I could have been a little clearer.

Your definition for fighter mob should look like this. The top.icon = ... part should have been removed:
icon_state = "head"
icon = 'fighter.dmi'
icon_state = "body"

And for New() for your mobs you can take out the top.icon line because you have it declared in in your obj/head definition. So the following is how that should look.

..() //do the regular New() behavior
top = new() //make the new top
In response to tenkuu
Thanks for the tips =) Ill be more careful in the future, as for the help, thanks again.
In response to Rii
Ive sorted out the coding problems and it works fine, now Ive tried my hands at making the character change into the 2 tile tall/2 tile wide player but when I enter the castle it just shows up as the legs. How can I get the head to appear?
In response to Rii
Look up pixel_y and pixel_x pixel offsets are MUCH easier to handle and use. If you need an example...just say so.
In response to Goku72
Ok Ive looked up the pixel_x and pixel_y but I still dont understand, please give me an example.