
Download and make a new character! If your not interested, thats cool too. (I don't want to hear arguing about how dumb or boring everquest is.
woohoo i've always wanted to play (even tho i said it sucked o.0)
In response to Koolguy900095
it says i need a game key...
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
it says i need a game key...

The game key will be emailed to you. Goto, and click on the Free Trial thing, its a scroll-looking one I believe.
In response to Alathon
it says i gotta subscribe...
As far as I know it only does it for people that had accounts before... I just got an e-mail yesterday that said I get 30 free days and my account was re-activated.

But if anyone is gonna get on EQ and is new, drop by Tarrew Marr server and /tell Ulrech Hi. :P I only get on late night every once in a while though.
In response to Kunark
I'll be sure to drop by.
could you tell me all the steps to play cause for some eason it says im not subscribed or whatever but i already made a new account with the account key thingy but it still doesnt let me play
In response to Kunark
Lol, i got that email, but i deleted it thinking it was spam.
In response to Koolguy900095
Your sure you are entering the correct user name with your password? I know it sounds like I'm picking on something that should be easy, but actually I myself had problems and had to e-mail verant when the problem was that I needed to erase the old user name and enter mine.
In response to Kunark
i can login but it says i have to subscribe for some reason and if i go to the subscribe thing i gotta pay...
In response to Koolguy900095
I'm thinking you gotta have had a subscribtion before... If not that, you need to have bought EQ from the store... Have you done that yet?
In response to Kunark
he said it was free...
In response to Koolguy900095
Oh if you have the software and the key... Everything should be free if subscribtions are free for all.
In response to Kunark
i guess its only free for one month if u pay
In response to Koolguy900095
I havent payed them for about 6 months now (thats how long my accounts been innactive) and so It might be that you just need to have had an account int he past.

Tell me the exact procedure you are doing and tell me exactly what the error says that comes up.
In response to Kunark
its not an error when i click connect then put in my info it says i gotta subscribe hwen i click to subscribe it tells me to pay so i guess u gotta pay to get 30 days free
In response to Kunark
It went the the EQ website, and it said that they gave IGN permission to hand out free 1 month prescriptions(all this after I spent 2 hours downloading the freakin EQ client). Its not free for all, just free for people that IGN sends an e-mail to.
In response to Jotdaniel
The offer IS free, I just tested it myself a few weeks ago. It's been there for a while, its nothing new. Goto and click on the IGN thing with "Free Everquest Classic" or whatever, and enter your e-mail. They will email you a user name, password and subscription key. Then download eqfull.exe, unzip, install, etc. Then use that to subscribe, presto.

In response to Alathon
it wont let me subscribe says i gotta pay