Can anyone give me a command to keep them from:
a) Leaving the game
b) Not being able to move
c) Not being able to see
I would like it to be called Ensnare please.
This is for those people who think it is funny to go into other games and make fun (and making rude remarks) of them for not playing their game.
![]() Feb 24 2003, 9:53 am
also, to keep them from making rude remarks/and or fun of the game, you may want a Mute verb too:
mob/GMverbs verb Mute(mob/M in world) set category = "GM" if(!usr.Muted) M.Muted = 1 M <<"You have been muted by [usr]!" usr <<"You have muted [M]!" else usr <<"[M] is already muted!" GM_Un_Mute(mob/M in world) set category = "GM" if(usr.Muted) M.Muted = 0 M <<"You have been un-muted by [usr]!" usr <<"You have un-muted [M]!" else usr <<"[M] is not muted!" and then the say verb for your game must be: Say(msg as text) if(usr.Muted) usr <<"You are muted!" else view() <<"<font color = green>\icon[usr][usr]: [msg]</font>" |
Ok thanks for that. As for the thing about keeping them in your game, I suppose that could work at a disadvantage too in some way. Ill settle for the rest though. Thanks guys!
Rii wrote:
Can anyone give me a command to keep them from: Not possible. All they have to do is close DS, log out, or join something else. Lummox JR |
Rii wrote:
b) Not being able to move This is very simple, and very easy - just set their <code>loc</code> var to <code>null</code>. =P If you're feeling really evil, you can remove all their verbs by doing this: <code>src.verbs=null src.client.verbs=null</code> |
Rii wrote:
Can anyone give me a command to keep them from: Unfortunately you cannot prevent someone from just quitting the game via 'Logout' or 'Quit' in DreamSeeker... otherwise it would be easy to have a 'captive' audience! =) |
mob/src/verbs+= mob.verb"verb"
or sumtin like that. don't copy that, wait till sum1 who knows what they're doing corrects it. |
Airjoe wrote:
mob/src/verbs+= mob.verb"verb"for(var/O in typesof(/mob/verb)) M.verbs+=O |
That should work...
if not,
As for keeping them in the game, i dont think it is possible without screwing their PC up (they can no matter what you do just close DS)