name = ""
icon = 'turf.dmi'
density = 1
A<< 'bump.wav'
//all my other dense turfs are similar
This is my dense things bump thing =) well whenever you bump a dense defined turf or obj, it should make the bump sound. But, it doesnt work when i have this...
Bump(var/atom/O)//when you bumb an obj mob or turf
if(istype(O,/mob))//if its a mob
var/mob/M = O//mob/M=O
if(!M.client)//if its an NPC
if(M.pushold == 1)//if its a pushable old person
if(src.chill == 1)
src<< sound('bump.wav')
if(step(M,dir)) step(src,dir) //it moves the direction you bump it and faces the direction your facing
src.irritated = 1//that makes it mad! aka says something different
src.chill = 0
return 1//OK!
if(src.chill == 0)
src.chill = 1
else//if its not an NPC
return 0// no cookie for you
any idea why these 2 thing are in confrontation with eachother? If you can help, I'd be greatly appreciative.
I assume the "return 1" line after a successful push is right, except for the 1 because it's useless. That is, I assume you don't want to make the sound so you don't call ..(). The "else return 0" at the end is definitely counter-productive, though, so just rip that right out.
Now, as the last line in the proc, indented only as far as the very first if(), put in:
Lummox JR