Is there a way to change the color of hair without making a new icon
Take a look a overlays. Most of the DBZ games use an overlay system I believe.

-<font color="#33ff33">Nova</font>

-I personally dislike DBZ games. Way too many of them.
In response to Nova2000
Overlays, indeed. You can also use Blend() to colour the hair icon, if you don't want to make heaps of differently coloured hair icons. (Look up Blend() in the reference.)
AHHH still cant get hair to change color heres what ive got
set category = "Fighting"
if(usr.state == "SSJ2")
usr << "You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "SSJ")
usr << "
You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "SSJ3")
usr << "You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "SSJ4")
usr << "
You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "SSJ5")
usr << "You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "SSJ6")
usr << "
You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "Mystic")
usr << "You are transformed already."
if(usr.state == "Mystic 2")
usr << "
You are transformed already."
world << "<font color = yellow>[usr]'s hair begains to grow, he grows golden hair on his body"
usr.overlays -= 'hair_goku.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_black_spikey.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_black_long.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_black_short.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_vegeta.dmi'
usr.overlays += 'ssj4-hair.dmi'
usr.overlays += 'ssj6.dmi'
usr.underlays += 'ssjaura.dmi'
usr.overlays += 'ssj6_tail.dmi' += hairblue
usr.state = "ssj"
usr.powerlevel = (usr.powerlevel * 20)
In response to VegeanSX
I refuse to read that until you close your tags. =P

Use <dm> tags when posting code on the forums.
In response to Crispy
In response to VegeanSX
before you post code type in
While in coding, press F1 and look up the terms rgb and overlays
In response to Maz
And don't forget the </dm> afterwards!
In response to Garthor
you dont need to use all those if statements. When someone goes ssj set a var called ssj to 1, and when they revert change it to 0. Then all you would have to do is check to see if ssj = 1.