Lummox JR is LJR and Lord JR i think...
LJR is Lord JR, and I am quite positive Lummox isn't Lord JR.
In response to Kunark
oh i thought iwas cause they all got a L a J and a R
Aside from their mannerisms, one thing that counters that idea is that they both have different home pages.

Lummox JR has, while LordJR has

Now, if you want to try this elsewhere, I'm slowly starting to believe the Leftley and Lexy are in fact the same person. Look at the resemblence:
1) Both have the same sense of humor.
2) Same styles in game design.
3) Both start with "L"
4) Both end with "Y"
5) Both commonly seen together in the same games.

And some other things to make up for the gender switch.
In response to Triste
Umm no, lexy gets mad way easyer.
In response to Triste
Is this Foomer?
In response to Kunark
A lot of people think so, yes. =)
Koolguy900095 wrote:
Lummox JR is LJR and Lord JR i think...

"Think" is an inappropriate word to use there. I've said on the forums that I'm not LordJR, and that LJR is his alternate key, enough for you to have found it in a search. If you'd been thinking, that is.

Lummox JR
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
oh i thought iwas cause they all got a L a J and a R

Lol, you thought you were LJR, I can see how you could make that mistake.

I finnaly got through to somebody....
And I think you're secretly Kunark, because your names start with the same letter! Yeah! </sarcasm>
In response to Garthor
My alternate accounts that I never use:


And both are open accounts that friends use.

I don't know though... I think Garthor might be GokuGojenkar (made up name) because it begins and ends with the same letters!!!
In response to Kunark
Garthor = Gathin