Mar 11 2003, 10:00 am
I have put it in my HUB e.t.c, and u can Run your own game, but when I or anyone tries to host there is no Join link! How can ppl join my hosted game?
In response to Spuzzum
Thank you SO much! You were VERY helpful!
The "Join" link is a special link that you can make in your hub entry itself if you have a server that is running 24/7.
Ordinarily, most people don't have access to a persistent (24/7) server, so what you are looking for is to make each individual copy of your game show up as live.
To do that, specify world/hub in your code -- the line is typically:
world/hub = "YourName.YourGameName"
...with all punctuation (except underscores "_", hyphens "-", and periods ".") removed.
Then whenever someone hosts the game, in the hub entry every game that is hosted will show up as a separate link that people can join.
Hope that helps!