I have put it in my HUB e.t.c, and u can Run your own game, but when I or anyone tries to host there is no Join link! How can ppl join my hosted game?
Gokuss4neo wrote:
I have put it in my HUB e.t.c, and u can Run your own game, but when I or anyone tries to host there is no Join link! How can ppl join my hosted game?

The "Join" link is a special link that you can make in your hub entry itself if you have a server that is running 24/7.

Ordinarily, most people don't have access to a persistent (24/7) server, so what you are looking for is to make each individual copy of your game show up as live.

To do that, specify world/hub in your code -- the line is typically:

world/hub = "YourName.YourGameName"

...with all punctuation (except underscores "_", hyphens "-", and periods ".") removed.

Then whenever someone hosts the game, in the hub entry every game that is hosted will show up as a separate link that people can join.

Hope that helps!
In response to Spuzzum
Thank you SO much! You were VERY helpful!