This is broken cause when u touch it it wont teleport u to the place.
icon = 'portal.dmi'
and im tryin to make it so only the chars could go through and not the monsters.
![]() Mar 14 2003, 12:43 pm
can u edit this so monster cant go through it cuz the 1 u put had too many errors
turf/Teleport { Entered(mob/M) { . = ..() if(ismob(M)) M.loc = locate(49,49,3) } } |
You should post the errors you are getting. also you may want to take a look at my.
also the way you used { and } is rather pointless. if you had done turf/Teleport Entered(mob/M) . = ..() if(M.client)//if M is a client M.loc = locate(49,49,3) Also, The way garthor posted the locate method using a tag rather than an xyz location is better. (I learned this the hard way when I decided to expand the map of my game downward and leftward, I just made the entire map larger and then moved everyting to the center, making what was 20,20,1 120,120,1 which caused all the teleports to screw up. Where as if I had used tags it would have moved the tags with the map when i moved it.) |
First: Use Entered(atom/movable/A) . That is called when an atom/movable enters the turf. Enter() is called to check if an atom/movable can enter the turf or not, and returns 1 if it can 0 if it can't.
Second: usr is not appropriate in any proc. It is even less appropriate in Enter(), Exit(), Entered(), Exited() and Move(). This is how it should be done:
Then, in the map editor, right click on any turf, edit it's properties, and set it's tag to "portal2exit". This will then teleport the mob to that turf.