There are quite a few good coders on byond and not nearly enough good games. I believe this could be contributed to the inability of people to code for themselves.

Look at the DBZ games, these people who copy the code could just easily read it over, understand it.. then create their own unique games. Instead they just replicate it, changing things that arent even noteworthy.

We need a DM education program a program that walks people through DM code from the very basic, all the way to the very advanced. It should be made to explain in detail each and every line of code to the student and ask them to write the code line for line exactly as it's shown, this way their body remembers it aswell.

eg. we see a blank piece of paper on the right hand side of the view screen, on the left hand side we see a line or several lines of code. below the code on the left piece of (paper) there is an explanation of how it works and why it works. Below that is an explanation of what the student must do to continue the lesson. For the most part the student will simply type in the code line for line, whenever they press enter each line of code will be written on the right page, or (work sheet). There would be basic commands to edit specific lines or even delete them.

before actually entering into a lesson the student would choose what kind of game they would make.

Turn-based (different screen) RPG -Dragon Warrior Online

Turn-based (same screen) RPG -Trinity Star
Fast Action RPG (different screen) -Final Fantasy (cant remember by whom

Action Adventure RPG (world screen) -Morte
And many others.

In the end, this would teach people how to do things properly from login loading to saving and logging out.

This is something the byond community needs, I have no doubt that if this educational product were made, that there would be a steady stream of new games.
Dareb wrote:
This is something the byond community needs, I have no doubt that if this educational product were made, that there would be a steady stream of new games.

While I agree it would be nice, who would make these? It would have to be done in a language other than BYOND, due to certain strictions, or I would certainly attempt it.

As for the types of games you listed, I wouldn't structure it like that. With tutorials like this, its important to either:

a) Be general
b) Be specific; have lots and lots of content to cover every single possibility

I feel option a is a better one, in either case.

In response to Nadrew
Besides - hasn't Zilal already done step-by-step tutorials on RPG, Board, and Action games? That's how I learned, and look at me! People think I'm a guru of some sort already! =P
There are quite a few good coders on byond and not nearly enough good games. I believe this could be contributed to the inability of people to code for themselves.

Another reason that might be the cause of less games is people joining in games only to say they suck and leave. As I recall in the early stages of CTF2 you joined in, said it sucked, and left before I could make my rebuttle which is not only discouraging but annoying also.

So if you want better games try going into a game and instead of just saying "It sucks", tell the author of the game what's cool and what's not. Then try and make suggestions as to how the negatives could be improved. This is encouraging and also helps make the game better is the author is inclined to improve the game.
In response to digitalmouse
Thats only becuase you have a parter site :P
In response to Theodis
I am sorry, but there was something entirely awesome about running around as stick figures attacking rats and detonating bombs in that first CTF you made, and good or not, I had a lot of fun with it. Its the originality that helps more than the quality, at least in my opinion. Thank you, and let that go for other of you with neat little worlds like that.

But aside from that, the educational world is a good idea Dareb. The more we can spark thought in their minds and get them away from code that is 90% copied and pasted, the better.

Its nice that you see the problems with BYOND, and that you see ways to make BYOND better. However, what do you do to help? You have some good ideas, but good ideas isn't making BYOND better. Well, I'm sure they are helping, but actually making this DM education program would be a lot better than just mentioning the idea.

I somewhat disagree with your approach. The interface sounds ok I suppose, but I don't like the narrowness of the scope. People shouldn't be taught "This is a combat system, memorize it." They should be taught the commands, and how to use them and put some together to perform certain tasks. If I was going to make this program, I would make up a problem, and ask the user to write some code that does what I need. I would include a bunch of commands they may need, and explanations of how to use them.

It's easy to learn how commands work, but its hard to learn how to put commands together to create a good game. I'd imagine its hard to teach as well. I think people should be taught to program in DM, then be taught how to make games. However, I don't think there is ever a need to say "This is how to make a turn-based combat system..."
In response to OneFishDown
My only problem with coding in dm is procs, creating files and folders from dream-maker, writing to files from dream-maker, and reading from files from dream-maker.

So basically loading/saving and procs.

But here's the problem, I want to learn HOW to do it. I dont want some library someone made. I want to understand it.I cant just use code, I have to be able to read it like a book before even considering to use it.