LOL. Crispy, that was cool. ;]
I think that my favorite webpage can sum this up best. Nobody seems to understand WHY we are going to war. Suddam support terrorists, he pays them, he funnels money, he has weapons of mass destruction, yeah so do we, but we aren't thugs who kill our own people ruthlessly. Also, we have done plenty for france and russia and china, so why is it that we arent getting support now? Because those countries have business with Iraq, they are owed money from Iraq, if we go to war, they dont get paid. - Jon |
Hope B.C.? A bunch of us travelled through Hope back in the summer. It's such a nice place. Very hilly. We went to a place called Skinny's Grill on the way there. You have relatives there, I take it you've travelled through?
-Dagolar |
Because people--even world leaders--are stubborn. There's been a major diplomatic crash, and both sides have been getting increasingly insistent, to the point where backing down on any end is no longer an option at all. Bush cannot back down: going to war without an urgent need is dumb, hollering about it for 6 months beforehand is dumber, and hollering about it for 6 months and then giving up is the dumbest of all--this would be the rough equivalent of standing up and yelling "ATTENTION TERRORISTS: AMERICA HAS NO BALLS." By the same token, those countries opposed to the war cannot back down: bringing up reservations about a war is smart, continually bringing up reservations about a war that's going to happen anyways and will likely remain a minor issue in the long run is a bit less smart, and bringing up reservations about a war for months on end, stalling and irritating your one-time allies only to just drop it and buckle under is world-class stupid.
Dareb wrote:
uh oh.. now what are you going that have at the IHOP Stars and Stripes Syrup to go along with our Freedom Toast. We're trying to set a record for immaturity in congress. |
Yamamushi wrote:
Nobody seems to understand WHY we are going to war. That's because few people actually do their homework before spouting off ill-informed opinions. I'm reminded of a news report late last week that interviewed high school kids who had walked out of class to protest the war. Many of them couldn't name Iraq as the country we would go to war against (asking them to find it on a map would have been a real hoot, I'm sure). Few of them had any idea what issues were involved (weapons violations, etc). One girl proclaimed that she was adamantly against this war, which had already slain millions of innocent children in Africa. My limited understanding is this (someone correct me if I'm wrong):
Dagolar wrote:
Hope B.C.? A bunch of us travelled through Hope back in the summer. It's such a nice place. Very hilly. We went to a place called Skinny's Grill on the way there. You have relatives there, I take it you've travelled through? Heck, I lived there when I was 4 years old for over a year. And I pay a visit at least once every year, and spend every second or third Christmas there too. =) (The place to be in Hope these days is the Home Restaurant. Unfortunately, that restaurant is ridiculously popular, now that every Hope resident has told all of their relatives just how great it is.) |
Just to clear things up: we don't have a President, we have a Prime Minister. Unlike the United States, which has a chain of command leading to a central authority figure, Canada has a chain of command leading to Parliament, with the Prime Minister acting in the interests of Parliament. If necessary, a majority vote can veto the Prime Minister's vote. In the United States, the President is the supreme commander and has no such ability to be vetoed (short of a coup d'état, anyway).
It's the difference between full-fledged democracy and democracy with some elements of a republic. The American system has been largely more successful than ours -- though I do appreciate the multiple-party aspects of the Canadian system a lot more than the American system, which makes non-Democrat/Republican-party votes almost entirely worthless. |
In WWII I think the U.S. used sulphur bombs(I think it was sulphur), and I think that could be considered a chemical weapon.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
I prefer the removal of each inch of skin on his body without damaging the nerves, then pouring salt and lemon juice on him.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
War costs billions of dollars that we usually don't get back -- only thing we are really going to get out of this ourselves is to feel more safe for the future and better oil prices.
Its not really a chemical weapon, its just gasoline and palm oil(although later versions didnt use this, it wasnt that stable).
I saw some inflight footage of that, and an interveiw with the pilots flying on that mission. I was a complete and utter accident, nontheless a horrible thing. It shouldnt have happened, but then again, no freindly fire should happen. You cant go into war and expect not to lose a few men, to anyone. If Canada doesnt want to help, fine, weve got 250,000 troops in Kuwait, its not a big deal. Canada has a lot of good reasons not to help, and not very many to help.
I actually wrote a paper on the arms race. In my research, anyway, I found that military spending stimulates the economy in the short-term quite well. However, in the long-term, say 10-20 years down the road, unless the economy is being built on other industries, the government simply cannot sustain that kind of spending due to debt. Military spending is a short-term economic boost; it is a long-term economic liability.
-Dagolar |
I completely agree. Leaders of countries that have decided to stand behind the U.S. have allowed money to come ahead of morality. Their people, their OWN citizens, oppose their decision. But, hey, what are a bunch of citizens compared to a few billion dollars and a handshake from the U.S....
-Dagolar |
Hey! Your name! Your name is the name of a town right near Hope, isn't it? Spuzzum, B.C.. I guess you've been to Hell's Gate and all that. Gone up to Boston Bar? Friend of mine has a cabin in North Bend right near Boston Bar. Hope is such a nice place. Nice and quiet. I would live there if I could find work.
-Dagolar |
Just a point of correction here: America is the only nation ever to have used nuclear weapons in war. So far as I know we've never used chemical or biological weapons. Chemical weapons however have been used: Germany used them in WWI, and Saddam's Iraq used them during the Iran-Iraq war and also against the northern Kurds about a decade ago.
Lummox JR